Sport and physical activity

The following portfolio is collation of information, statistics, references and work of the media in relation to the current situation of an obese nation. The portfolio specifies to the ‘Active England’ programme which is a new initiative from Sport England. The portfolio discusses the impact of lottery funding and the contemporary issue of the decline of the sale of National Lottery funding. To complete the portfolio future recommendations have been suggested regarding the issue of funding. Sport in today’s society is possibly the most encouraged activity to participate in, there are a number of minority groups within the nation who are not getting the opportunities to take part within sport, and therefore key agencies in sport such as Sport England are devising strategies to prevent the situation from growing.

This portfolio has been devised to identify the problem of funding for the ‘Active England’ organisation. 1.0 – ‘Active England’ – The Organisation The Aim: “To contribute to the health and well being of all sections of society, but in particular those sections of society that typically do not take part in sport and physical activity” Programme funding is 108.5 million. The government strategy for delivering its sport and physical activity objectives, Game Plan, sets a target of 70% of the population in England being reasonably active by the year 2020. In addition, Game Plan, suggests “an innovation fund should be established to support local ideas.” This investment seeks the step-change required in physical activity and sports participation levels by supporting a number of innovative projects that demonstrate their ability to work towards this vision.

These seven themes will underpin Active England: – Addressing the issues of an increasingly ageing population – Working to alleviate time pressures and the work / life balance – Finding solutions to the problems of obesity and promoting well being – Increasing levels of investment through linked funding – Better utilising educational resources and related opportunities – Providing new approaches to variations in access across social groupings – Supporting volunteers and professionals in developing activities

“A population in which nearly 40% of all elderly people live alone and are acutely aware of loneliness had clearly not yet found how, through their leisure activities , to add re-engagement to retirement on any significant scale – except for a small minority with large incomes and with some experience of further or higher education” Abrams, M. (1995) ‘Leisure Time Use by the Elderly and Leisure Provision for the Elderly’, in C. Critcher, P. Bramham and A. Tomlinson (eds), Sociology of Leisure – A Reader, London: E & FN Spon

Active England in the Community The ‘Active England’ programme encourages innovative community sports projects across the country. These include finding ways of attracting older people, supporting family activities with childcare and better use of rural and urban spaces. The two lottery distribution bodies also envisage ‘Active England’ helping to mark the country’s commitment to increasing grassroots participation in sport.

“Lottery money is a driving force behind sport at all levels and this new ‘Active England’ programme will widen access to physical activity and sport in some of our most deprived communities. The flexible and accessible facilities this funding will provide have an important role to play in increasing participation- giving people the chance to get fit and stay fit, whatever their circumstances” Caborn. R, Sport England, 2004. Active England Backs 20 North East Projects [Online]. Available from: Accessed 03.11.04

The Relationship between ‘Active England’ and Key Partner Agencies This enhanced sporting provision will be at the heart of local communities. It will bring local people long-term benefits for their health and well being. This funding will create and improve facilities by providing new equipment and extending opportunities to get involved. National Lottery players can take pride in the fact that they are contributing to the creation of more active communities.

‘Active England’ has purposely funded creative projects which aim to encourage newcomers to try out sport and physical activity for the first time. This approach will help communities to become healthier as well as assist Sport England in achieving its vision of making England the most active and successful sporting nation in the world. “We want people, young people particularly, off the street corners, getting them away from frightening old ladies and breaking windows, and getting them into sports areas where they can participate at their own level, have fun, enjoy themselves and really feel that they are part of something that is totally enjoyable and that is being a Briton and enjoying life in Britain.”

Peter Lawson, (speaking on BBC Radio 4 Programme Children and Sport, March 1986), Horne J et al, (1999), Understanding Sport – An Introduction to the Sociological and Cultural Analysis of Sport, E and FN Spon Contemporary Issue’s faced by ‘Active England’ In today’s society, there are a wide array of issues in which organisations must consider and prepare for if they want to be successful and act as a pivotal point in the community.

The impact of lottery funding is an issue which ‘Active England’ rely on heavily to support and fund their programme. “The National Lottery Commission replaced the Office of the National Lottery (OFLOT) in April 1999 under the National Lottery Act 1998. The commission is responsible for the granting, varying and enforcing of licenses to run the National Lottery. Its duties are to ensure that the National Lottery is run with all due propriety, that the interests of players are protected, and subject to these two objectives that return to the ‘good causes’ are maximised.” Pike. F, (136th edition, 2004), Whitaker’s Almanac, Today’s World in One Volume, A&C Black LTD

These figures concisely show that at the highest level, although there has been a significant increase in the number of women representing Great Britain at the Olympics over a 16-year period, the number of women coaches has remained very low. If …

In England, we find that the national and local provision for sport from most, if not all, perspectives. There are numerous organisations that aid one towards a life of success in sports, whether it is in badminton or basketball (which, …

There are a number of correlates with involvement or failure to participate in physical activity. The reasons women fail to participate in physical activity may be related to personal, social or organizational constraints (Henderson, 1998). Among the younger population Van …

In an age where Australia is facing the problem of becoming one of the most over-weight country in the world, (already ranked 5th), ([8] “Aussies’ fat times”) it’s imperative that Australian’s are getting involved in physical activity of some sort. …

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