Sport and Leisure

This report is complied with data collected by interviews and observations made between the 1st January 2003 and the 28th February 2003. Report on: information regarding leisure opportunities available to young people in Pontypridd. Report to: The Welsh Assembly Government.

Report from: Coedylan Comprehensive School Council. Introduction This report has been complied in response to a request from The Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) to gather information regarding the leisure facilities available to young people in different parts of Wales. The intention of this report is to give the WAG details, information and also recommendations to improve the Leisure Facilities on offer in the Pontypridd area. It is given from the under 18 years of age perspective. It is hoped that this will help to encourage extra funding for such facilities in Pontypridd.

Main Findings Sport and Leisure It was felt unanimously by the school council that there is a definite lack of sports facilities in the Pontypridd and surrounding areas. By the lack of sports opportunities, young people are not encouraged to take regular exercise. With the rising obesity levels in young people, reported on by both the U.K. Government and WAG, this will surely have an impact on their future health.

In the town of Pontypridd, including the areas of Maesycoed, Hopkinstown, Glyncoch and Cilfynydd there are no leisure centres. The closest being Hawthorn (approximately three miles from Pontypridd centre) Abercynon (approx six miles from Pontypridd) and Llantrisant (approx nine miles from Pontypridd), which show that sports/leisure facilities are not readily available, not only to young people but also to older residents. For a catchment area with a population of approximately 30000, this is unacceptable.

However, in these few Leisure Centres it was felt that the general quality of their service is very good. Gymnasiums are up to-date and well resourced with appropriate equipment. Their swimming pools are clean and there are ranges of activities for young people to participate in, such as Squash, Badminton, 5 a side Football, Judo and Gymnastics to name but a few. There is no problem with the cleanliness or adequacy of the equipment.

There is however a problem with the cost of these leisure facilities. It can cost up to �3 for admission before taking part in any of the activities on offer. Under 14’s are not allowed to use the gymnasium equipment and in addition there is an inadequacy of public transport to these leisure centres from all areas of Pontypridd. Buses are infrequent, likewise the trains, making it inaccessible for young people who are particularly dependent on public transport.

Ynysysangharad Park, situated in the centre of Pontypridd has a range of playing fields. There are football and cricket fields, free of charge except for organised team games. The tennis courts, basketball courts and golf courses are subject to a charge. They are of an extremely high standard and are well patronised. Recently the tennis courts and basketball courts have under gone renovation

However, concern has arisen over the quality and practicality of the outdoors swimming pool, which is situated in the middle of the park. It is in urgent need of renovation and updating, if not demolishing completely. Besides the fact that it cannot be used all year round, but only in the summer months, it’s standards are poor and it does not meet the requirements of the local community. There is anecdotal evidence of injuries and other health problems, such as skin complaints and gastric problems.

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