Spiritual Paradigm

A healing hospital paradigm First of all, a healing hospital setting or paradigm in the healthcare system and within the healthcare professional provider are vital in providing care, reassure in safety net, and have an outlook or outcome that evolves compassion, kindness, care, and love for humanity, human well-being and wellness of the generation, population and in our community.

However, there are three main source that reflect a healing hospital concept which involves the physical environment , the workforce atmosphere, and a radical loving care of the roots of the medical field setting, and the medical profession that give it fruit to it profession, heart, and its blossom in its history and meaning in today’s world .

Overall, its foundation, and reflection of a healing process or it environmental healing process that evolves structure, rebuild, reconstructing a healing concept that includes general medicine and spiritual well-being, the obstacle of a healing setting or environment, and its biblical viewing that support the belief of spiritual healing concepts of hope, faith, inspiration, and motivation to reach its victory of recovery, and a conquer of the disease with gods loving promise and daily word.

Secondly, the components of a healing or paradigm in a hospital setting , healthcare profession, and in the healthcare atmosphere that reflects and its foundation in healing the internal wellbeing and external wellbeing with both concept of modern medicine , spiritual healing, and natural remedies. There are three main components that enhance a healthcare setting. The first is the physical viewing of the environmental atmosphere that reflects a loving, caring, and stress free environment.

The second is the perception of the workforce atmosphere, and it medical technology this helps staff be functional, effective and efficient in meeting the client’s needs, wants and give it trustworthy in the medical world that provides, promotes and protect their clients safeguarding, safety net and release of personal health information to the public. The third is the cultural of radical loving care that gives value, meaning, and reason to the concept of a healing health care paradigm .

That give history to the profession of medical services base on good deeds, good acts, diversity, and disparities an the specialize population that evolves on compassionated care for the consumer, and it serving community. Overall, that acknowledges the roots of a Good Samaritan provider or Good Samaritan health care professional. Thirdly, the obstacle of a healing environment faces, its complexities that evolve in our world today the belief that only modern medicine can heal a patient, the profession is seen and view it just a job, a form of income or wealth because of its demanding growth in the workforce environment.

There has to be heart in soul and love for humanity, and its medical profession to making a difference in the wellbeing and healing of the patient. However, there are still a few healthcare providers, Staff and administrative position that believe in the concept of spiritual healing, natural healing herbal medicines, acupuncture, and aroma therapy techniques to help the healing process, ease discomfort levels, ease pain levels, and promote healing the external or internal wellbeing that help the consumer reach maximum improvement and wellness.

Now days many healthcare centers have acknowledge a combination of modern medicine, natural healing medicines, and spiritual healing in treating the consumer health. However, the human body has five sense that help the patient recovery, that have major impact in the healing process, that promote healing, and its response to treatment in the consumer well-being. Overall, the healthcare profession must reassurances, maintain, and sustain their client there health being is their priority and main reason in serving, providing care in the healthcare system , and serving the community by taking in oath in helping the general population.

Fourthly, the biblical concepts that support the aspect of a healing process, and healing hospital setting that belief in gods daily bread, daily word, and the breath of life. That believe in gods hope, faith, inspiration , miracle, and motivation inform of mediation, prayer, and ritual admiration to acknowledge god’s presence, existence , by praising and giving thanks to god by engaging a daily interaction and quality time to have a reflection with god calling, hearing god voice , and god guidance’s in our daily life’s.

“Exodus 15:26And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee. ” (Exodus 15:26 King James Version of the Bible online) “Matthew 7:7-11 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: (8.) for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. (9. )

Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? 10. ) Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? 11. ) If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? ” (Matthew 7:7 -11 King James Version of the Bible online).

Finally, a healthcare healing center within the medical profession and it medical system it is important because it not only reflects the roots of the healthcare profession it give it validation to its history, and its foundation of the roots of the good Samaritan act and its documentation to the health care system that give it a meaning, a perspective to cycle of life. However, the main reason , and source of a healing process is the mental capacity, the emotional capacity, the physical capacity , it soul , it heart, it body and it spirit that essential in healing the inner and outer soul of the patient.

Lastly, this accomplish by love, care, kindness, and patient from both the medical professional, and the consumer that evolves prayer, mediation, health coaching or exercise, modern medicine, natural medicine or plants, and spiritual belief in gods healing love or healing miracle in curing the disease and combating the battle of the disease in building hope in society that believing in gods healing promise, in god glory , and god justification in making a difference in the medical world . References Bible-verses. net all rights reserved.

Copyright © 2007-2013 Exodus 15:26 King James Version of the Bible online retrieve from on 06/02/2013 http://www. bible-verses. net/ Bible-verses. net all rights reserved. Copyright © 2007-2013 Matthew 7:7-11 King James Version of the Bible online retrieve from on 06/02/2013 http://www. bible-verses. net/ Graber, David R. ; Johnson, James A. (2001, January 1). Spirituality and Healthcare Organizations. The Free Library. (2001). Retrieved May 29, 2013 from http://www. thefreelibrary. com/Spirituality and Healthcare Organizations. -a070378909 Henry Ford Health System 2/25/2009 publish by.

Newswise, Inc reserve all copyrights ©2013 Changing the Hospital Paradigm from Sick Care to Well Care http://www. newswise. com/articles/changing-the-hospital-paradigm-from-sick-care-to-well-care Libby Pierce, RN. Catholic Healthcare West (CHW) May 05, 2008 Radical Loving Care http://blog. chwhealth. org/2008/05/radical-loving. html Ron Short, vice president of operations at Good Shepherd Medical Center Healthcare IT News published on February 3, 2010 healing your Hospital from the inside http://www. healthcareitnews. com/news/healing-your-hospital-inside.

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