Speak on behalf of male nurses

Detective work has also proved to be a difficult ground for females with negative discrimination as a result of the special needs that women have. These special needs emanate from their biological engineering and society is yet to fully understand that these special needs are not a sign of weakness and inability. One such a need is maternity leave. A female who has a high rank among detectives may reach a point where she must go for maternity leave. If this happens, it means that rearrangements have to be done so as to ensure that work continues to be done even in her absence.

The trouble here is that these new arrangements for continuity will need more resources in terms of time and money for the new manpower that is to tae the place of the female proceeding for maternity leave. It is rare to find a spirit kind enough to take the whole of this affair lightly and goodheartedly without complaining over this overhead in spending and off duty business. This issue of special needs has made women experience discrimination not only in detective work but also in many other areas where continuity of service delivery is a valued requirement.

Officers hiring people for detective work as well as other duties such as general police work always end up making decisions based on this special needs weakness of women without necessarily making it a public issue. It is subtle and can only be deciphered through the small number of women who finally get the jobs under consideration. The same issue of special need also makes males in these professions disrespect their female counterparts. The ending or elimination of discrimination of males in the field of nursing will not be easy given that the problem is deeply entrenched in society.

Equally, ending the discrimination of females in detective work will not be a bed of roses given the strong perception held by the society that detective work is a man’s work. Nevertheless something can be done to reduce these tow facets of discrimination. Top on the list is the fact that governments and other organizations within society need to come out and speak on behalf of male nurses and female detectives. There is need for them to raise their voices and show the need for more males to join the nursing profession since they have the potential.

This can be done by giving confidence to already existing male nurses and advocating for better treatment foe them. They too should come out in support of female detectives by ensuring that any time there is recruitment of detectives, females are given a fair share of the positions and any officer violating this rule is subjected to severe punishment. This will go along way in ensuring that there are enough female detectives who will then have a voice against discrimination from their male counterparts and the public.

As a confirmation of the extreme level of discrimination that males face in the field of nursing, the statistics below will be of great help. Percentage of male and female nurses in the United States in various years In the …

Discrimination has been described as the handling of a person or a group of people with prejudice. This prejudice is normally supported by certain behavioral traits or characteristics that are considered out of the common set of characteristics that are …

Also, as in males and the field of nursing, the society has remained silent on this matter of lopsided hiring trends in detective work. Civil society organizations have not shown any commitment in coming out to speak on behalf of …

The government, due to its mandate can also assist in reducing discrimination of male nurses and female detectives through the subjection to the force of the law of any person who commits the crime of discrimination against these people (Ferri, …

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