Sleep and Biological Rhythms revision

During a night’s sleep you pass through different sleep cycles of 90 mins each with variance in amount of the different stages. Difference in stages is not just oscillations of depth but qualitatively different.Sleep stages alternate throughout night starting w/ rapid descent into deep sleep. Most complete 5 ultradian cycle w/ progressively less SWS & more REM towards morning Stage 1 – ‘drift off’ relaxed state. Brain waves change from beta (awake) to alpha: greater amplitude, slower and partly irregular. Easy to wake in this stage Stage 2 – slower, larger brain waves & occasionally quick bursts of high frequency sleep spindles + K-complexes

Stage 3 – beginning of deep sleep. Brain waves are slow and large, called delta w/ some sleep spindles. Slowing down of bodily activity Stage 4 SWS – deepest sleep. Delta waves are slow, large and show jagged pattern on EEG. Difficult to wake and bodily functions sink to deepest state of physical rest. EMG shows muscles as relaxed. Sleep disorders + growth hormone production are associated REM (paradoxical sleep) – similar signs of waking on EEG (why it’s paradoxical) muscles completely relaxed but eye movement is rapid. End of REM marks end of first ultradian rhythm

Dement – REM associated with dreaming through EEG, all people dream (those who don’t just forget). 80% of pps woken during REM reported dreams in vivid detail. Only 7% of awakening from NREM led to dream recall. Dreams don’t last longer than 15 mins, beyond this time people forget the beginning. Content can be affected by events experienced during the day & external stimuli Reticular formation, locus coeruleus & raphe nuclei control REM / NREM (links w/ affective disorders & sleep) However, REM & dreaming v. different. REM = physiological state objectively measured. Dreams = subjective + problems studying scientifically  Some studies reported 70% dreams in NREM (attributed to confusion of what is dreaming)

Physiology of sleep Brain stem controls arousal and + sleep. Oldest part of reptilian brain, which controls vital functions Serotonin – SCN responds to changes in light & controls production of melatonin in pineal land –> production of serotonin in raphe nuclei. Increase of serotonin reduces RAS activity = onset of sleep Noradrenalin – from locus coeruleus (part of pons) triggers REM Functions of sleep

Evolutionary explanations Sleep patterns evolved as an adaption. Each species has developed different sleep habits and patterns to deal w/ environment pressures e.g. predation, energy and foraging. Main assumption is that animal’s sleep pattern will be determined by its energy intake & expenditure pattern, concentrates on ecological niches 1. Energy conservation / hibernation theory -mammals expend a lot of energy on body temperature, particularly evident in small animals w/ high metabolism. Conserving energy at times of little resources (night) + Sleep increases when energy loss goes up (cold)

2. Foraging requirements – Sleep is related to amount of time need for finding food. Herbivores require grazing and therefore cannot afford to sleep as much as carnivores (links with the predation theory + lower metabolism supports energy conservation) 3. Protection from predation – Being awake is riskier than being asleep, it ensures that animals stay still (however can increase vulnerability)

Evaluation Helped understanding of animals but incomplete in amount of sleep stages. NREM may be functional for energy conservation compared to REM (research shows correlation between animal size and NREM but not REM). New hypothesis based on mammalian brain of reptile not evolving REM, but no research support Can’t apply to humans (may be more beneficial not to sleep now – genome lag) Comparative studies generally supports view e.g. small animals w/ high metabolism sleep more, but there are anomalies such as the sloth (energy) and rabbit (predation)

Universal concept, species differ in sleep pattern e.g. unilateral sleeping support adaptation Behavioural inactivity would be a better function + snoring = vulnerability bad explanation Capellini – previous research flawed in methods of non-standardisation (supported in phylogeny sleep project). Found neg correlation between metabolism rate and sleep. This falsifies energy conservation but supports trade off view of foraging requirements. Also found no correlation between predation and sleep

Fails to address restoration findings, combined approach of all 3 + restoration is supported by Horne’s core vs. optional Restoration theory -Oswald Sleep allows various physiological + psychological states to be recovered e.g. infancy need for brain & body growth + learning / memory consolidation Physiological restoration SWS – immune system + growth hormone correlation & neural control (lifespan differences)

REM – brain growth + infant neuroplasticity + correlation with brain maturity e.g. dolphins vs. newborns + restores levels of neurotransmitters after day’s activities, explains high level of brain activity & supported by SSRI reducing REM activity (links w/ affect disorders) Horne – distinguishes between core sleep (SWS + REM for body and brain restoration) & optional sleep (made up of the other stages which aren’t necessary but can help restore) this combines evolutionary and restoration

PPS doing psychological and physiological tests, they fell asleep more quickly but not for longer. Could be reduction in optional sleep rather than disproving hypothesis – supported by falling asleep quicker (probs reduction on 1 + 2) Psychological restoration Sleep deprivation -associated w/ less friendly Sleep -associated w/ reduction of anxiety (links back to NT restoration) + memory consolidation during REM (explains high rates in neo-natal + science changing)

Deprivation Studies Total deprivation – DJ Trip hallucinations & paranoia, controlled by NTs (shows no N/N distinction & links with psych conditions). He had a rebound of SWS & REM and had microsleep while awake. Fatal familial insomnia, rotating rats (cognitive, physical changes + rapid death) Partial deprivation – pps awoken in REM. This increased every night to 2x more and had personality and cognitive change, on restoration REM increased by 10%+ cat flower pot technique (all sleep stages bar REM + rapid death) Marathon runners – shows discrepancies between speed / length of sleep but does show increase of SWS after a race (supports core vs. optional)


Can’t really distinguish between psychological & physical due to bio basis of cognition Deprivation studies support Horne core vs. optional Death may be due to stress rather than sleep Comparative studies of dolphins show they have no REM neither theory accounts for why animals have reduced consciousness during sleep (nor how / why it turns back on). Fact that it is universal w/ particular differences suggests both theories changes in sleep Infants – Sleep for 2/3 of day, but not continuous – suggested to be adaptive mechanism for parents to do every day activities + wouldn’t wake if hungry or cold  As they mature, a circadian rhythm is est. and sleep becomes more consolidated at night Display 2 types: quiet + active sleep (immature v. of REM & SWS) High REM = brain growth + neurotransmitter production to consolidating memories. Evidence in premature babies w/ 90% REM. It is not known about dreams due to the need for subjective recall

During a night’s sleep you pass through different sleep cycles of 90 mins each with variance in amount of the different stages. Difference in stages is not just oscillations of depth but qualitatively different.Sleep stages alternate throughout night starting w/ …

When people are asleep there are not in a total loss of consciousness but a gradual reduction in awareness. Sleep occurs in stages and they are started of by the alpha stage this is where there is smooth electrical activity …

Describe and evaluate one theory of the function of sleep (24 marks) Recovery/ Restoration is one theory on the functions of sleep. This theory is based on the concept that sleep is needed to save energy and to allow restoration of …

A circadian rhythm is a biological rhythm that runs on a roughly 24 hour cycle. One example is the sleep/wake cycle. Humans sleep about 8 out of 24 hours. Even under constant light conditions, animals keep a circadian rhythm (e.g. …

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