Sicko: Health insurance

Introduction What is the movie about? 1st body paragraphTopic sentence: What is wrong about the American health care system? Support: 2nd body paragraph Topic sentence: What are the possibilities to change it? Support : 3rd body paragraph Topic sentence: And if they are going to change it, which healthcare system would they take as an example? Conclusion: The health care system in the United States should be changed into a health care system similar to the French one. Introduction: What is the movie about?

Sicko is a documentary film produced by an American filmmaker Micheal Moore that investigates the American Health care system, focusing on its for-profit health insurance and pharmaceutical industry. The film compares the non-universal and for-profit U. S. system with the universal and non-profit systems of Canada, the United Kingdom, France and Cuba. He interviews patients and doctors in the U. K. about cost, quality, and salaries. He examines why Nixon promoted HMOs in 1971, and why the Clintons’ reform effort failed in the 1990s. He talks to U. S.

ex-pats in Paris about French services, and he takes three 9/11 clean-up volunteers, who developed respiratory problems, to Cuba for care. He shows many reasons why the American health system should be changed into a health care system similar to the French one. What is wrong about the American health care system? Health care in the United States is provided by many separate legal entities. The U. S. spends more on health care, both as a proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) and on a per-capita basis, than any other nation in the world. Current estimates put U. S. health care spending at approximately 16% of GDP.

The health share of GDP is expected to continue its historical upward trend, reaching 19. 5 percent of GDP by 2017. In 2007, the U. S. spent a projected $2. 26 trillion on health care, or $7,439 per person but still the United States’ health care system ranked 37th on a list of 191 systems compiled by the World Health Organization. The most people consider the current health care system to be a restricted market. By this they mean that the insurance industry is a group of profit-seeking firms, but consumers do not have free choice to switch between the market alternatives.

Many of the people who defend the current system claim that a free market is best. However the current system is not a free market. Many of the problems in the current health care system are a result of the restrictions in this market. Consumers cannot register their discontent with their insurance plans because it is difficult to switch plans. Because of this difficulty, plans can fail to provide quick resolution of claims, good information, or consistent policy because customers are tied in to their current plans through their employers and through the difficulty of switching plans.

Yet, American health care has never been more expensive. Between 2000 and 2007, health insurance premiums doubled. Employers fret about their eroding profitability and employees feel the pinch on their wallets. Though labour costs rose, average family income is down in the last half decade, largely because of rising health costs. What are the possibilities to change it? One of the next options or a combination of two or more options could be the solution of the most important issue facing society today. The rising costs of health coverage are not sustainable for corporate America neither families.

Because of these rising costs many American citizens are left either uninsured or under-insured. If any action is not taken the American healthcare system will cause America to have a national crises. The solution should be an accesible system which also is affordable for everyone •The American government should consider requiring individuals to have health insurance. •Insurance companies should be required to take everyone and be prohibited from refusing to cover pre-existing conditions. •Employers should be required to provide employee heath insurance or to otherwise help subsidize their worker’s coverage.

•The Government should should consider allowing people who aren’t covered through employer to enroll in medicare or the health care system for federal workers or the or either join a group plan through a trade associations. •The government should encourage investment in health information technology as a way to improve the quality of health care and lower the cost. •For the help with the rising cost of medication the FDA should allow Americans to buy their medication from Canada, where the cost is about half of the U. S. cost. And if they are going to change it, which healthcare system would they take as an example?

There are many variations of health care systems in the world. In the movie ‘Sicko’, Micheal Moore compares the health systems of the countries Canada, The United Kingdom, France and Cuba. The United states could take the health care system of France as an example. In France, most doctors remain in private practice; there are both private and public hospitals. Social Security consists of several public organizations, distinct from the state government, with separate budgets that refunds patients for care in both private and public facilities. It generally

refunds patients 70% of most health care costs, and 100% in case of costly or long-term ailments. Supplemental coverage may be bought from private insurers, most of them nonprofit, mutual insurers. Until recently, social security coverage was restricted to those who contributed to social security (generally, workers or retirees), excluding some poor segments of the population; the government of Lionel Jospin put into place the “universal health coverage”. In some systems, patients can also take private health insurance, but choose to receive care at public hospitals, if allowed by the private insurer.

France is largely known for providing one of the leading health care systems in the world. In the film, the successes of the French system are noted. Health care, including dentistry and other forms of medicine are completely free at the point of need. In fact, the French hospitals pay their patients back the amount they paid to get to the hospital, such as the cost of fuel or taxis. If a woman has a newborn baby, a government nurse will come to the house daily to do the laundry and cook – for free. Also for a minimal price, the nurse will clean the whole house, so that the mother simply has more time to bond with her baby.

Conclusion The health care system in the United States should be changed into a health care system similar to the French one. In the United States around 84% of the people have some form of health insurance; either through their employer , purchased individually or provided by governement programs. Although the United States spends 16 percent of its gross domestic product on health care, more thean 46 million people have no insurance coverage, while on in four Americans report difficulty paying for medical care. This why the Americans should look to France, whose health care system is number-one spot of the World Health Organization.

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Ranked first in efficiency by World Health Organization, the medical care establishment in France is made up of public hospital, private hospital and not-for –profit hospitals and are headed by ministry of health, France. Public hospitals can trace their history …

Medical cost has become very pricey and the United States did not always have health insurance. There are millions of people uninsured and its causing a heated debate in the United States. But does anyone know the history of health …

Medical cost has become very pricey and the United States did not always have health insurance. There are millions of people uninsured and its causing a heated debate in the United States. But does anyone know the history of health …

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