Sick around the world

What world healthcare system is the most expensive? The U. S. Where does the US Healthcare system rate? 37th in the World England Compare and Contrast the English healthcare system with the US system The citizens won’t see a single medical bill, the hospitals and their employees are owned by the government. Hospitals go against each other to get funding. It’s similar in the fact their is a “family doctor. ” What are the advantages of this system over the US system? No medical bills, no medical bankrupcy. Patience can choose what hospital they want to go to. Excellent preventitive medicine. What are the disadvantages of this system?

They pay much higher taxes. Takes a while to get hip or heart surgery (waiting list). Japan Compare and Contrast the Japanese healthcare system with the US system Cover everyone and spend half the amount the U. S. does. 80% of hospitals are private buisnesses. There are set prices for everything in hospitals all across Japan. What are the advantages of this system over the US system? Everyone is covered and it is very cheap. There is no gate keeper, no appointment is neccessary so they can go see any specialist they want. Insurance takes care of the bill. What are the disadvantages of this system?

The doctors can’t charge what they want which limits the amount of money they can make. 50% of hospitals in financial trouble. Spend too little on medicine which cause this financial trouble. Germany Compare and Contrast the German healthcare system with the US system Like Japan, most of them are private buisnesses. Germans pay premiums based on income. Not aloud to make a profit. All hospitals charge the same amount for everything. What are the advantages of this system over the US system? You pay what you can afford. Pay about 15 dollars once every 3 months. Many different choices, and small co-pays.

Drugs are a bargain. What are the disadvantages of this system? Takes 2 -4 weeks to get something taken care of if you have a problem. Doctors feel undervalued and underpayed. Taiwan Compare and Contrast the system in Taiwan with the with the US system The system is made up of many different parts from many different countries. Free choice of doctors with no waiting time. Competition among hospitals. One government insurer collecting the money. What are the advantages of this system over the US system? No gate keeper, no waiting time, clinics are open on weekends. Lowest administrative cost in the world.

Technologically advanced with a smart card. What are the disadvantages of this system? Spend less than Japan for the services they cover. Only 6% of GDP. Switzerland Compare and Contrast the Switzerland healthcare system with the US system Cannot make profit. Except for supplemental coverage. Everyone is to pay except for the poor, the government pays for that. People who refuse to pay are automatically assigned to an insurer and has to pay. What are the advantages of this system over the US system? Everyone is covered, benefit package is fixed and the same for everyone. What are the disadvantages of this system?

Has to decide on what to charge for healthcare. It’s about $750 per family but might have to increase. What are the three limits found in these other countries? Insurance companies must accept everyone and can’t make a profit on basic care, everyone is mandated to buy insurance and the government pays the premium for the poor, and finally the hospitals has to accept one standard set of fixed prices.

What country is similar to the plan the US has for veterans? Britians NHS What country is similar to the plan the US has for seniors? Taiwan What country is similar to the plan the US has for working Americans? Germany.

This movie went around the world to different countries to show the comparisons and differences in healthcare compared to each other and the U. S. The first country that was visited was the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom spends 8. …

Introduction United States is known to be one of the most powerful countries all over the world. Despite this profile for this developed nation, it is reputed to have one of the worst healthcare systems. The healthcare system is full …

While here in the United States we struggle with what is right and wrong in Our world of health care some countries seem to have it all worked out, or at least a good system going. For this paper I …

Healthcare is among the most debated, talked about and sometimes controversial matter in many countries in the world that is both developed and developing countries. In some countries healthcare has been very successful while in others governments and the private …

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