Showing early symptoms

Another recommendation of mosquito control is the development and implementation of integrated pest management (IPM) as had been done in agriculture. IPM emphasizes mosquito larval control, reduction of mosquito breeding sites, and judicious use of insecticides to control adult mosquito populations (Cupples, 2003). Researchers have come up with a variety of knowledge regarding the virus and it’s effects in recent years. A team led by Robert Tesh has discovered that the effect of the virus varies in different infected hamsters.

Drugs for the WNV disease are still in the experimental stage involving mice and other animals as subjects. One is the possible use of human immunoglobulin (Agrawal & Petersen, 2003). In relation, the research done by Doctor Diamond on the anti viral antigens on humans has been regarded as a breakthrough in the continuing search for a satisfactory treatment. Also, a variety of drug effects have been studied in relation to the virus like the research done by Dr. ’s Chan and Forrest regarding infliximab treatment. Research Question

Why does west nile virus affect each infected person differently? In persons affected with west nile virus, there seems to be a variety of symptoms expressed as well as a discrepancy in the degree of severity of the disease. There have also been recorded instances of recurrences of the disease even after the person was thought to be cured. This has led experts to wonder what causes the different effects of the west nile virus in different persons. The project aims to gather information as to why the virus’ acts as it does.

This is to efficiently control outbreaks and to provide a basis for further research on the diseases’ treatment and prevention. Methodology The methodology can be subdivided into three broad parts. The research on this dilemma would require extensive research on patient records as well as supplementary information from animal and voluntary human testing. Patient records including specifics such as the history of the disease, the location and situation obtained and doctor’s recommendations.

This is to further identify what the different effects of the west Nile virus are. This will also provide researchers with a working database on the statistics and demography of the patients infected with the virus. It would also show what the effect the virus has in relation to the patient’s pre existing condition. Animal tests as those performed by Robert Tesh will add credence and support to the identified statistics in the patient database. Robert Tesh injected the West Nile virus into mice and observed the different effects that occurred.

He saw that some had recurrences and that other mice were not as severely affected as most. However, he as well as other animal testers failed to identify what may have caused these different effects. It would be beneficial to have mice with different health characteristics, status and conditions to further explore this question. It would be optimum to procure permits to perform tests on higher level mammals like dogs, cats and primates. Testing done must be in accordance to the Animal Welfare Act and related laws.

Voluntary human testing would not involve infecting humans with the virus. That would be both illegal and unethical. Instead, patients infected and showing early symptoms must be accessed to obtain their permission. According to the federal regulations governing human subjects research, a person must be an “adult,” under the applicable law of the jurisdictions in which the research will be conducted, in order legally to consent to treatments or procedures involved in human subjects research.

This can be done by enlisting hospitals and other health care providers to alert the research team to any cases in their vicinity. Extensive observation, funded by the researchers, on various aspects of the patients person will be undergone throughout the patient’s stay. These would mean observing the patient until healed as well as monitoring the patients condition afterward to observe any recurrences. The research team must be lead by an expert on the field of virology. He must in turn coordinate with the different team leaders heading the different parts of the methodology

In compiling the patient database, it would be best to access HMO’s, hospitals and health care providers. It would also be a necessity to obtain the cooperation of government agencies like CDC and NAIDR. The staff would be primarily composed of personnel with a background in compiling research statistics. The team leader must be able have sufficient credibility and clout to obtain the participation of this group. A medical lobbyist or an expert in the field would be optimal.

Masele (Middle Low German) or Masel (Middle Dutch) which means “spot, blemish” An acute, contagious viral disease, usually occurring in childhood, characterized by eruption of red spots on the skin, fever, and catarrhal symptoms Also known as rubeola, hard measles, …

A recurrent disease that has plagued the United States for several years now is the West Nile virus. It has caused a drain on the country’s health resources as well as a constant problem to effectively control its outbreaks. The …

One infectious disease I will be discussing is called Diphtheria. Diphtheria is a highly contagious bacterial infection, which mainly affects the nose, throat and occasionally the skin, but in more serious cases, it can attack the heart and nerves. Diphtheria …

One infectious disease I will be discussing is called Diphtheria. Diphtheria is a highly contagious bacterial infection, which mainly affects the nose, throat and occasionally the skin, but in more serious cases, it can attack the heart and nerves. Diphtheria …

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