Sexually Excited

Sexual inhibition is a behavior that regards sexual practices as taboo. Study showed that sexual inhibition of the youth makes them more sexually excited than those which are not sexually inhibited. Ninety-two percent (92%) of the respondents from conservative families claimed that they would likely practice sexual practices in one way or another, the more the society condemns it as a taboo. Sexual inhibition is a conservative behavior towards sexual practices. It is a common culture in some countries. It occurs to societies which labels sexual practices as a taboo.

It also occurs to people with fear of being rejected by society for such belief in sexual practices. This study’s concern is that the sexual inhibition of youth in a particular country makes them more sexually excited than those which are not sexually inhibited. The Philippines is a country that is used for this purpose. The people gained a reserve insight about sexual practices as brought about by the 333 years colonial bondage to Spain. The Americans came later bringing with them the liberal ideas, ideas of freedom and democracy which the Filipinos have acquired.

With the people divided between the conservative and liberated type, it is a good setting for this study. A group of 150 individuals under the age 14-21 years were used as sample for this study. The age range constitutes the youth in the Philippines. The individuals were divided into three groups: 75 individuals coming from conservative families; and 75 individuals from liberated families. The first group served as the experimental group while the latter served as the control group.

The independent variable in this study includes the gender of the experimental groups while the dependent variable includes whether the individual is sexually oriented. A sexually inhibited individual does not necessarily follows that the individual is not sexually oriented. Both groups were given the same test and interview. In the test, both groups were provided with pornographic materials such as magazines and movie clips for entirely three hours. The next procedure included an interview for each individual in the experimental and control group.

Same set of questions were given to each individual. The questions involved the following: 1. What have you felt after the test? 2. Do you think involvement in sexual practices is socially wrong? 3. What do you think is/are the causes of sexual inhibition? 4. For those who come from conservative families, if given a chance would you practice sexual practices despite it being labeled taboo? The results of the test were as follows: 64 out o 75 (85%) in the experimental group said that they felt sexually aroused after the test while the remaining 11 individual (15%) did not feel it.

On the other hand 73 out of 75 (97%) in the control group said that they felt sexually aroused after the test while the remaining 2 (3%) said they have not felt it. Whether involvement in sexual practices is socially wrong, 58 out of 75 (77%) in the experimental group believe that it is wrong while the remaining 17 (23%) believe otherwise. On the control group, only 15 out of 75 (20%) believed that it is wrong while the remaining 80% believe otherwise.

The major causes of sexual inhibition according to both groups are: fear of rejection from families and the society (80%), fear of being branded as pervert or stud (15%) and other reasons (5%). For the experimental group, 69 out o 75 (92%) said that they would practice it in one way or another, the more the society condemn it as a taboo. The feeling of sexual arousal, which is biologically in character, is normal in human nature. The sexual inhibition felt by some individuals can be attributed to the fear of rejection of the society, preservation of one’s good image to others and other factors.

Filipinos still believe that engaging in sexual practices is socially wrong. This belief is brought about by their culture. This is greatly influence by other factors such as moral and religious aspects conveyed by the Spaniards colonial power over the land for many years. The causes of sexual inhibition can be seen as how much a man wants to build and preserve his good image at the same time avoiding the ridicule o rejection of the society. Society dictates what is morally good and set the standards to which man abides. This could become a barrier for the growth of an individual’s personality.

Without society’s condemnation of sexual practices, the youth, armed with intense curiosity and aggressiveness, may be able to discover all the possibilities for his development. It can be concluded therefore that when the society induces sexual inhibition to the youth, they tend to be more sexually excited as bought by their curiosity over the matter. Curiosity breaks the barrier that makes the youth explore themselves. Bancroft, J. (2006). Sexual Science in the 21st Century: Where are we going? [Electronic Version], 2006, 18. Retrieved November 16, 2006 from http://www. indiana. edu/~kinsey/publications/PDF/JSR-SexSci21st. PDF.

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