Selfish type of behaviour

The infant is entirely dependent and relies completely on others to meet its needs and provide good physical and emotional care. If the parenting need of the infant is being met the infant will learn a sense of trust. After some time Self-confidence would develop and the infant would see the world to be a dependable and predictable place. Due to the sufficient parenting being received the infant will learn that they have an influence over other which will then be used in later stages of there lives. On the other hand Erickson believed that if an infant did not receive sufficient parenting and was not part of a caring and loving family the mistrust will be learned. Due to this they will feel that they are not able to influence other leading them to have a fear and a sense of suspicion in later stages of their life.

Autonomy Vs shame and doubt After a while a child becomes independent as they begin to think for themselves and is aware that they are separate from their parents. The feeling of being independent is stronger. This is a stage were toilet training acts a crisis. Erickson believe that is toilet training was carried out to early then the child will feel a feeling of shame as they feel they have not control within their bodies bowels.

Autonomy will be when the child is experiencing thing without being controlled such as forced to do it or rushed. They would be supported and given the feeling that they are competent. On the other hand shame and doubt will come from a child being controlled witch could lead them to question there self ability. If the child fails frequently and is criticised about their failure this will lead them in having a feeling of shame. The child can feel powerless and this could revert to the sucking of the thumb witch id associated for comfort and a ‘fixated behaviour.

Initiative Vs guilt At this stage a Childs development is rapid and their physical, intellectual, emotional and social development are coning into play more then often. A Childs development can become abstracted also at this stage and if this happens that there initiative will become affected. Erickson stated that a Childs initiative can be empowered by paying an interest into a Childs curiosity about life and letting them explore certain things when they are playing. Guilt can come about if a parent does not encourage these thoughts and is discouraged when a child is pretend playing witch involve there imagination leading them to have a poor initiative.

Industry Vs inferiority In this stage a child is influenced by other and not just their parents and are not only interested in the way things are but are trying to understand how and why things work the way they do. When a child is encouraged to take part in a realistic task such as a job were this will give them a sense of achievement and when supported and can give them confidence. Inferior will come from a child being pushed in to things that they do no want to do or are not ready for due to not having enough guidance and support and then are cruised on their performance. This can lead to them having a low self esteem thinking they are not good enough to do certain tasks and can take form in further aspects of their life.

Identity Vs role confusion

A persons identity if effected by Physical intellectual, emotional and social aspect of there life. During physical changes a person will notice there bodily form and then will have an effect on the sense of self in this case can be appearance, mobility based. Intellectually a person will be able to think for themselves and decipher thing that are possible and exist at present. Emotion development would include the individual become more emotional independent by controlling there own emotions. There social development will include their decision making in what role they will take and also career they will embark on in their life.

At this stage a person is trying to establish there ego identity which consists of, a sense of consistency in the way they see themselves, a sense of continuity of self over time and a sense of mutuality. As peer groups is what influence the person at this stage is considered to be the most important factor. At this point an individual will want to establish a social identity and if they are not successful will feeling that they have not got no role in life and their for will show behaviours of unfaithfulness and can develop a negative identity.

Erikson’s theory can explain why a person nay be developing signs of rebelling and delinquent behavior. The person developing these behaviors will have experienced the 5 negative psychosocial crises such as miss trust, shame and doubt, guilt, inferiority and confusion. During their early stages the individual may not have received sufficient parenting such as being abandoned or neglected. This could have lead them in having no trust in theory later life resulting in delinquent behavior as they don’t trust n e one so there for make there own concept on things witch could be wrong.

This individual also could have experienced shame and doubt in their early stages with things such as there parent making them feel shame about failing certain tasks and instead of them giving the individual the courage to try again, make them feel in adequate and useless. Also there parents could have been controlling on the tasks that they were involved in leading them to have a sense of powerlessness. This could have made this individual develop signs of delinquent behavior as the feeling of shame and doubt can lead to feeling self conscious and there fore in later stages will rebel against this feeling but over evaluate the situation and rebel against society instead of their feelings of shame and doubt.

The individual could have also been giving the feeling of guilt through to not being encouraged through there developing stages. There parents could discouraged them in pretend playing and exploring life such as asking questions as if they did they will be told to ‘shut up’ or stop being silly’ this could also be a factor that in their later life are now showing signs of rebelling behaviors as a person experiencing these behaviors may have lost their indicative and now, don’t have a stable sense of what is appropriate and what isn’t appropriate and there for showing delinquent behaviors.

The individual showing signs and delinquent behavior also could have been giving the feeling of inferiority. For example being pushed into things that they done want to do without support would have made them feel they are not good enough and due to this their behaviors have mad them want to rebel against what they were told to do and do the opposite. In this case showing delinquent behaviors is what they have produced from there rebelling of being told what to do so if they are told to do the right thing they might to the wrong thing as they feel they are taking control.

Finally the role of confusion and developing a negative identity due to not feeling they have a role in life. This may be due to the way they see themselves physically, emotionally, intellectually and socially. As these are also based upon how others see them they could have picked up negative opinions of themselves for example if they were to socialize with a peer group that didn’t wear the same clothes as them they could have been isolated or seen as ‘different’ and translated this as negative.

There emotional development could have been hindered as they may not have been able to control their own emotions and constantly need emotional support. Also the intellectual development may not be sufficient as thinking for themselves may become difficult due to always being told what to do and having a low self esteem. This can explain why a person may show signs of delinquent behaviors as they see theme selves outside of society so forming to what society does is something that they will not what to do due to them having a feeling of no role in life. In hand this will produce rebelling against things as they have a negative concept of themselves so will show negative behaviors.

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