Scientists meddling with nature

According to scoring sheet one, it could be seen directly that of the questionnaire that aims to elicit the perception of to what extent the genetically modified crops are often presented as the scientists meddling with nature. The students who agree with that statement account for a majority. Most of them are Chinese, students from European countries, Nigerian, Indian students where the agriculture development is not modernized and where the large storage of the crops are needed in order to satisfy the use of the customers.

Especially Chinese students and Nigerians. Most of them are in the support of the genetically modified crops. Among the participants, most Chinese students have a neutral and a strong support of the genetically modified crops. However, a small group of people for instance the Saudi Arabia and Vietnamese disagree with that the genetically modified crops are often presented as scientists meddling with nature.

In a addition, a certain group of Chinese students and a larger group of students from the European countries take a disagreed attitude toward that statement. Moreover, most of the Nigerian and a tiny part of EU students are strong disagree with the statement that the genetically modified crops are often presented as scientists meddling with nature. The students from Saudi Arabia don’t agree with the statement that the genetically modified crops are often presented as scientists meddling with nature.

According to the scoring sheet 2, the preference of the students with regard to the extent they agree with the statement that the genetically modified crops are often presented as an important resort for the poor agricultural land could be seen very clearly. It is very obvious that non of the participants are in the support of the strong disagreement with that statement. It means that all the participants involved in the questionnaire ascertain the significance of the genetically modified crops in the agricultural development of the agriculture in particular in the countries where the land too poor to grow crops.

As to those participant who are disagree with that the genetically modified crops play an important role in the countries where the land is poor, only a tiny proportion could be seen, they are Nigerian, Saudi Arabia, Chinese and Vietnamese. In terms of those who are standing in the neutral, the Chinese students account for a majority, and second to which is the EU students, others are a few students from Taiwan, India, Pakistan and Vietnamese.

With regard to the size of students who are supportive of the role of the genetically modified crops in the poor-land country, again, Chinese stands for a majority. The students from the European countries and a large number of Nigerian are second to Chinese students, with a tiny proportion of Vietnamese who also agree with that statement. In addition to that, only the students from two countries reveal strong agreement with the statement that the genetically modified crops are crucial for the agricultural particularly the supply of crops in those countries where the land is poor.

Since the genetically modified crops both has its positive impact on the production of the crops in the countries where agricultural land is poor and the negative impact on the sound development and the harmony of the nature. The genetically modified crops should be grown seriously, that is to say, the advantage of the genetically modified crops should be taken fully while reducing its negative impact on nature. In order to take advantage of the genetically modified crops.

There are some useful and suggestive strategies that could be proposed. Firstly, a good command of the food security should be realized. These strategies that could be applied in order to cultivate the sense of food security is to ensure a sustainable, low-input, energy-saving operation of the land so as to maintain the construction of soil and strengthen the resilience of natural resistance to pests. In addition, the innovative farming approaches should be taken to reduce and eliminate the high cost of chemical insecticide and fertilizer.

The application of each type of staple food crops in thousands of traditional agriculture crops should be realized in that those crops could naturally adapt to a variety of natural pressures such as drought, hot flashes, adverse weather conditions, water logging, saline, poor soil, pests and diseases, Jerry (1996). In addition, the existing crops and the breeding programs of their wild family should be applied so as to develop the diversity of communication and then to enable farmers to collaboratively maintain and improve the practical test of the improvement of the seeds.

Moreover, the modern biology and its advantage could be implemented. Such as market electioneering, that is to accelerate traditional breeding by means of the latest genetic knowledge, Collard and Mackill (2008). The combination of the market engineering and the transgenic technology would be realized in an effort to produce a new variety of crops in a secure way, thus produce valuable hybrid graft body, improve nutrition, increase taste, increase yield, resist pests and diseases, as well as develop their resistance of drought and heat, etc.

, Witcombe (2008). For instance, the organic biological farming and low-input farming in Africa have been improved. Many recent studies have shown that such as bio-organic low-input practices in African countries could not only greatly increase production, but also bring other benefits, Achim (2008). The advantages of that approach is knowledge-based, rather than being based on the high investment. The result is that it is easier for the farmers to accept that approach than accepting the expensive and high-tech approach.

The reason why most Chinese student are in the support of the significant role of the genetically modified crops in the agricultural poor land lies in the fact that China is an agricultural nation, it population is very large. As a result, the demand for crops also very urgent and large. However, the land in China especially the Northeastern part and the southwest proportion are not very fruitful for the farmers to grow the crops. The large demand and the relatively weak production made the reference to the genetically modified crops become a must.

Thus, most Chinese people have obtained and are still getting the benefits of the genetically modified crops. Therefore, they agree with the important role of the genetically modified crops. However, the students from Saudi Arabia disagree with the importance of the role of the genetically modified crops in that in Saudi Arabia, the genetically modified crops are not grown even though the Agricultural Ministry of Saudi Arabia has agreed to import genetically modified crops for human and animal consumption.

The Agricultural Ministry of Saudi Arabia has banned the imports of agricultural use of genetically modified animals and their by-products, genetically modified seeds, dates, and ornamental plants, Johson (2009). Therefore, they do not agree with that statement. The genetically modified crops are not grown and the genetically modified products used for agriculture could not be imported, that might be attributed to the fact that people in Saudi Arabia do not know how the genetically modified crops would damage the original system of the nature.

So, most students come from Saudi Arabia are not in the support of the statement that the genetically modified crops are often presented as scientists meddling with nature. Chinese students also feel that statement is right to some extent, which might be due to the reason that in China, the environment protection also become very important. In addition, not only in China, but also in other countries, for instance, India, and other European countries, the environment protection has gradually become important, and the students from those countries are aware of the threat of the genetically modified crops to the nature.

What should be noted in particular is the perception of the European students. Among the participants of the questionnaire, both the support of the positive role of the genetically modified crops on the agriculture of the poor land and the support of the negative impact of the genetically modified crops on the nature could be seen, that is to say, in Europe, the attitude of the students toward the genetically modified crops are dialectical.

However, is could be seen from the above data and information collected that the students from various countries have different perception of the genetically modified crops, for one thing, as to the negative role the genetically modified crops play in the harmonious development of the nature, both students from the developing country and the students from the developed country take both the supportive and appositive attitude, that might be attributed to the fact that both the students from the developing countries and the developed countries are aware of the threats of the genetically modified crops to the nature; for another, tn terms of the significant role of the genetically modified crops in the poor agricultural land, the scorings are also different.

The students from the developing countries perceived more that the role of genetically modified crops in the production of the crops is crucial and the students from the developed countries also perceive that statement. However, some developing countries also disagree with that perception. That might be attributed to the different experience of those students and the concrete situations in their countries. It has been proposed that the sense of food security and the employment of the organic agriculture development has also been put forward. However, that is not enough since the risks of the genetically modified crops are many. For instance, it might affect the balance of the ecosystem, it might affect the sound cultivation of other species, and so on.

As a result, it could be said that the risks of the genetically modified crops might exert negative impact on the nature as a whole in a long term. In addition, what we do today to reduce that risks is to pave the way for our future generations. It could also be said that such task is enduring and time-consuming in that not only on generation but also more than one generations should work together to establish a sound development of the genetically modified crops and lead its development in a right direction. As a result, both the students from the West and the East, and both the government from the West and the East should spare no efforts to reduce those risks. That is to say, for the government, the relevant rules and policies should be made and implemented in a strict way.

For instance, the ban of the imports of the overseas genetically modified crops and the agricultural equipments; Crawley et al (1999), the restriction of the advertisement of the genetically modified crops and the by-products. In terms of the restriction of the imported genetically modified crops, Saudi Arabia has successfully implemented the rules and policies and well controlled the development of the genetically modifies crops throughout the country. As to the individual, the sense of good security should be established. The individual should have the awareness to protect themselves. Therefore, it is suggested that when they purchase the crops, attention should be paid to make clear if the crops are genetically modified in a scientific way in that there are some so-called genetically modified crops that might not compatible to the international standard.

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