Sample Investigation Plan

Mary Smith is a 71- year-old widow that was involved in an auto accident on the date of October 3, 1995. The other individual involved in the accident was Paul Joseph. The accident occurred in Trumbull, Connecticut at the intersections of Reservoir Avenue and MaeFair Court. Joseph Smith was cited by police for the accident. Mary Smith has four children and is retired from being a schoolteacher but still works four mornings a week at the local children’s hospital. Mary Smith has a prior injury that consisted of bone spurs in her feet. The bone spurs caused her hip and back pain.

She wears orthotics on a daily basis. She has had surgery on both feet approximately two years before the auto accident. The surgery did not alleviate the problem. Mary Smith also has hypertension that she does take medication. Other than, the bone spurs and hypertension, Mary Smith was in great health. She attended water aerobics three times a week and bingo twice a week. Mary Smith was transported to St. Vincent’s Medical Center via ambulance after the auto accident. At the hospital, a surgeon and cardiologist were consulted and Mary Smith was x-rayed over numerous parts of her body.

She was treated for cardiac contusion and a comminuted fracture of her os calcis and Achilles tendon. Nine days later, Mary Smith underwent surgery and catheterization to repair her broken ankle and Achilles tendon. During her wait period, she developed an infection. She remained in a cast for six weeks after the surgery. After the removal of the cast, she received physical therapy for six weeks. Investigation Plan I) Interview Mary Smith: A) What happened the day of the accident in her own words? B) How did her previous injury occur? C) What medical attention has she already had for the prior injury?

D) What medical attention has she received after the auto accident? E) Request permission and obtain all medical records from Mary Smith. F) Request and obtain all police and accident reports. G) Take a recorded or written statement. II) Investigate the scene of the auto accident: H) Were there any factors that aided in the accident? I) Were there any traffic signs in the area? J) Were there any weather factors that aided in the accident? K) Take photos of scene of accident. III) Interview Police offers that responded to accident: L) What happened the day of the accident?

M) Were there any outside factors that caused the accident? N) Were there any illegal substances involved? O) What were the injuries that were reported at the scene of the accident? P) Take recorded or written statements. IV) Interview the cardiologist and surgeon that treated Mary Smith the day of accident: Q) What was Mary Smith’s condition when she entered the hospital? R) What tests were given to Mary Smith the day of the accident? S) What medical procedures were given to Mary Smith? T) What was Mary Smith’s care plan? U) What was Mary Smith’s diagnosis? V) Why was there a delay in treatment?

W) What was the infection that Mary Smith developed during her wait for treatment? X) Take recorded or written statements. V) Interview nurses that cared for Mary Smith: Y) What was Mary Smith’s routine care during her stay in the hospital? Z) What medications was Mary Smith on? [) What instructions was Mary Smith given prior to leaving the hospital? \) Take recorded or written statements. VI) Interview Mary Smith’s primary physician: ]) What was Mary Smith’s condition prior to accident? ^) Did Mary Smith have any sort of special care plan due to her previous conditions? _) What caused Mary Smith’s previous injuries to her foot?`).

What medical procedures has Mary Smith had in the past due to her bone spurs? a) Take recorded or written statements. VII) Find expert in orthopedics: b) How long have you been in this area of medicine? c) What is your professional expertise? d) Explain Mary Smith’s injuries prior to auto accident. e) Explain Mary Smith’s injuries from auto accident. f) What would the typical pain level be on injuries like Mary Smith? g) What aftercare plans should Mary Smith have had? h) What daily restrictions are common from injuries like these? i) Were all-necessary procedures given to Mary Smith during her stay at the hospital?

j) In your professional opinion, do you feel that Mary Smith should still be having complications if all of the proper procedures had been given? k) Record or take written statement. VIII) Interview physical therapist: l) What types of therapy was Mary Smith on? m) How often did Mary Smith have physical therapy? n) Did Mary Smith seem to be in a large amount of pain during the sessions? o) Was Mary Smith given any at home exercises to do? p) What was Mary Smiths diagnosis entering physical therapy? q) What was Mary Smiths diagnosis after completing physical therapy? r) Record or take written statements.

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