Running Sport

Certain ideas have been short listed and identified which are termed as success factors for raising funds in schools. Local corporations should donate products and services that the institutions require and in turn the schools can provide certain benefits to the organizations. In such activities the whole school should identify days where in the parents, students and the schools can jointly participate in such events which indicate that the burden on certain students can be eliminated.

If the whole institute is brought in public rather than individual students provided with the role, it showcases that the talent of the institute has been broadcasted wonderfully involving the whole team as a family. Mary Warner, one of the parents has also written several complaints and warnings and communication to administrators of the school and to the local newspapers that fundraisers mostly take undue advantage of the children and moreover waste class time.

She also adds saying that schools blackmail them saying they will be awarded prizes for the highest funds generated thus emotionally treating them and using them as sales force for free cost. In the same manner complaints have arrived to the school authorities on the issue of misusing their children into going in for unethical activities and hence serious action is now being considered which will bring some kind of discipline and concern on the institutions.

Many non-profit organizations raise money by adopting the technique of sponsoring events in their schools. As a result of this act, schools provide the students with donations or distribute sponsorship forms to the individuals. Usually sponsoring and fundraising is conducted for the sports and athletic activities. Schools mostly rely on sponsors in order to bride their gap for the budget required so that the sports activities, field trips and the supply needed is not hampered.

Schools have a huge assortment in non-food as well as healthy food options for fundraising which is been misused by students in eating junk foods which is unhealthy for the human health (Sargeant, A. et al. 2004). The various fundraising options which are considered to be unhealthy and those that have been adopted by schools are: Most of the students are involved in selling junk food items which include cookies, dough nuts, pizza, candies etc which gives them a wrong impression about the healthy food eating habits.

Fast food fundraisers like McDonalds, Burger King are those who encourage school fundraising nights, gift cards and other activities and programs and events which are the ways of attracting more customers towards their outlets and the items include those that disturb healthy food items. Certain programs which enable redemption on the label value leaves the product sales to be unprofitable which indicate that the customers have to buy more to avail a particular price redemption.

Vending machines – they are the largest methods which involve in school fundraising where in students depend in a huge way on the soft drinks, snacks, juices for which vending machines have been installed near the schools and nearby places. Recycling fundraisers is another newer concept which schools adopt which indicates that schools can make business by collecting used cell phones, reused clothing, and used cartridges which help in raising huge sum of cash (CSPI, 2007).

High schools in a big way do go for fundraising, incentives and sponsorship activities which they make use of students to be involved in such programs which is questionable towards their health issues that has been a concern coming into …

Do high school sponsorships and fundraising have a negative impact on the health of their students? Introduction: For any organization, be it a large organization or a small organization the concept of fundraising and generating sponsorships has been a huge …

These are some of the methods institutions and schools make use of their students so that they meet their goals and objective. In the process the basic necessity of the role of institutions gets disrupted and this also puts student’s …

The incentive for them would also be that the cost would be less than the usual membership fee. For the school/child centred strategy, a number of methods could be tried. The first and most obvious is education. Children could be …

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