Running head: EEO-Disability

People with disabilities should not be discriminated in the society as they have capabilities that that can help institutions to achieve their dreams. Whereas it is obviously considered to be highly unethical, many of the institution are highly discriminative of the people with disability. Research and case studies indicate that given the correct platform, they can indeed perform as others if not better to achieve the companies’ objectives (Sheila and Paul, 2005).

In its report of 1994, Sears indicated that its tremendous income reached one billion for the first time due to efforts from the workers with disability (Blanck, 1996). Strategies used by Sears and how they can be applied to the situation at NL&C To effectively address issues of people with disability, it is essential to have a holistic corporate commitment that is inclusive of all the societal spheres. Blanck (1996) indicates that Sears sought to move a step higher in implementing the American with Disability Act (Act).

The accommodation strategies used by Sears therefore point out the need to balance the society without discrimination of any social group. By providing the special accommodation facilities for mobility impairments, back impairment, foot impairment and other types of impairments, it was possible to invoke greater commitment, staff relations and company identity. The management of Sears indicated that any achievement was celebrated by all.

In addition, the ability to effectively accommodate individuals with disability serves as a major image determinant to the outside world for higher sales and profitability. Besides, the emphasis and indeed the commitment to resolve all disputes informally and avoid litigation adds more weight to the prior societal orientation need for cooperation and team work operations which leads to greater cohesion and productivity at the work place. To address the problems of people with disability in NL&C, their accommodation must be assimilated at all levels of low, medium, and higher management.

However, like Sears, the drive must originate from the top management which should seek to implement ADA and effect its demands in conjunction with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Blanck (1996) indicates EEOC was a major icon for Sears to succeed in effectively accommodating people with disability. To add to that, owing to the experience of Sears in implementing ADA, it is clear that NL&C will require changing the non concerned and discriminative culture to a system of workforce diversity which appreciates even the people with disability.

As New York Times reported in Blanck (1996), companies and indeed the country might be unable to realize the objective of ADA if they do not change their culture. Conclusion It is worth noting that though most of the managers have generally held to the claim that by hiring persons with disability a company gets itself to subsequent loses and failures, the notion is not necessary true. However, it is fully dependent on the ability of the institution to provide the necessary accommodation systems for supporting the persons with disabilities to operate like others (Perritt, H.(2004).

To add to that, it is essential as it came out in the case of Sears, that closer cooperation in solving all the disputes informally and effectively is very essential for ADA objectives to be realized. It is from this consideration that this essay concludes by calling for a change in approach, inclusive management, and greater accommodation of people with disability for compliance with ADA and greater profitability in NL&C.

Reference list Blanck, P. D. (1996). `Communicating the Americans with Disabilities Act. Transcending Compliance: A Case Report on Sears Roebuck and Co`. Chicago: Northwesterm University. Sheila, H. and Paul, A. (2005). Work and the workplace: a resource for innovative policy and practice. New York: Columbia University Press Perritt, H. (2004). Americans with Disabilities Act Handbook: 2005-1 Cumulative Supplement. Washington: Aspen Publisher.

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