Roman Empire

The evolution of the profession of pharmacy can be divided into ? ve historical periods: 1. ANCIENT ERA-The beginning of time to AD 1600 2. EMPIRIC ERA-1600-1940 3. INDUSTRIALIZATION ERA-1940-1970 4. PATIENT CARE ERA-1970-present 5. BIOTECHNOLOGY AND GENETIC ENGINEERING ERA-The new horizon ANCIENT ERA ?

USED LEAVES, MUD, AND COOL WATER TO STOP BLEEDING AND HEAL wounds ?THEY USED THESE METHODS BY OBSERVING HOW ANIMALS HEAL THEIR wounds ?Documented experiences of healing onto clay tablets which provided the earliest known written record. ?IN BABYLONIA THE EARLIEST RECORD OF THE PRACTICE OF PHARMACY BY the priest, pharmacist, and physician was kept.

This is where the science of drugs, organized pharmacy and medicine had its beginnings. ?Chinese used herbs ?HIPPOCRATES-THE FATHER OF MEDICINE ?THEOPHRASTUS-THE FATHER OF BOTANY-EARLY SCIENTIST. ?MITHRIDATES-FATHER OF TOXICOLOGY-STUDIED THE ADVERSE E<ECTS OF plants. ANCIENT ERA ?Dioscorides-Father of Pharmacology. During the Roman period. ?Cosmos and Damien-Saints of Pharmacy and Medicine-twin s who represent the closeness of medicine and pharmacy.

Doctors would also ?nd medicines to treat patients. ?After the fall of the Roman Empire, the division of pharmacy and medicine evolved. Three major advances in pharmacy occurred at this time: 1. The formulary –a continuation of the documentation of the knowledge of speci? c drug information to be used by pharmacists. 2. Dosage form-drugs were no longer harvested from herb gardens. They were incorporated into sweetened dosage forms, such as syrups, confections, and juleps, mixed with sugar and honey. 3. pharmacy shop-? rst appeared in Baghdad in about AD 762. ?Between AD 1231 and 1240-The Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II issued an edict regulating medicine.

For the ? rst time, It legally recognized pharmacy as a separate profession in Western Europe. ?During the Renaissance period of the Middle Ages, Pharmacy went through many changes. Pharmacy became an independent profession. Pharmacy as a profession achieved status and became socially accepted. University education of pharmacists were required. New chemical medicines were introduced that gave pharmacists broader expertise. EMPIRIC ERA ?The Pharmacopeia became a regulatory tool for pharmacists. ?Benjamin Franklin started the ? rst hospital in 1751.

It had a pharmacy and the ? rst hospital pharmacist was Jonathan Roberts. ?1821 The Philadelphia College of Pharmacy was founded. ?William Proctor-The father of American Pharmacy. He devoted his time and attention to the advancement of pharmacy. He owned an apothecary shop. ?The major contribution of pharmacists to science was in the area of chemistry. INDUSTRIALIZATION ERA The development of manufacturing pharmacy began. Rapid mass production of medicines followed. Standardization, biologically prepared products, complex chemical synthesis, and increased use of parenteral medications were all part of this period.

THE PATIENT CARE ERA ?The beginning of this era concentrated on research to develop new medicines. Research on medication s was done. ?New drugs were developed. Had a lot of adverse reactions to drugs so drug review and monitoring resulted. Pharmacists began to take a more hands on role in dispensing medications and patient education. THE FUTURE OF PHARMACY Research in the area of biotechnology and gene therapy is being conducted. Medications are being produced through recombinant DNA technology. New therapies for cancer, anemia, and hepatitis are being introduced.

The evolution of the profession of pharmacy can be divided into ? ve historical periods: 1. ANCIENT ERA-The beginning of time to AD 1600 2. EMPIRIC ERA-1600-1940 3. INDUSTRIALIZATION ERA-1940-1970 4. PATIENT CARE ERA-1970-present 5. BIOTECHNOLOGY AND GENETIC ENGINEERING ERA-The …

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Byzantine Empire Under Justinian One of the greatest emperors of all time was Justinian. During his reign he accomplished many important things for the Byzantine Empire. He created many new cities, founded important laws called the Justinian Code, and built …

The Romans used both scientific and mythological methods in their medicine. By adopting the methods of Greek medicine; the Romans obtained a solid foundation. They copied Hippocrates, who separated the study of medicine from philosophy and had an overall approach …

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