Risk Factors associated with the disease

High transmission of the disease is reported with the injecting drug users who resort to action like injecting the contaminated needles intravenously and through the skin. In Baltimore and Maryland of the US, a percentage of around 30. 3% of the incidents of the disease can be attributed to the injecting drug use. In studies with the people of Belgium, Pakistan, and Thailand, around 40% of the cases were found containing the antibodies for Hepatitis C, while it is only 4% for HIV.

Thus the intravenous drug use plays an important role in the transmission of the disease. Blood transfusions: An important factor that plays a major role in the transmission of the disease is the transfusion of the contaminated blood. However, with the improvements in the methods of the screening the blood there is a reduction in the percentage incidence of the disease.

Even though there is a reduction in the percentage incidence of the disease by this way, the prevalence of disease is tem times higher in developing countries when compared with the developed countries. Sexual activity: It is not clear whether the disease spreads through the sexual activity or not as there are very few available reports on this matter. There is a chance of transmission of the disease through the high risk groups such as the injecting drug users.

The endemic nature of the disease in most parts of the world, is evident for a large number of chronic liver diseases of the world. The major factors for the percentage prevalence of the disease around the world include transfusion …

Hepatitis C is a major disease of the world with its cases annual increase in the number of cases. The epidemiology of the disease largely depends on various types of risk factors associated with different regions and different cultures. The …

The major cause of the liver cancer is the hepatitis C. The infection of the disease occurs in the blood which leads to the cirrohsis of the liver that ultimately leads to cancer. The disease incidence is on the rise …

With its increasing prevalence annually in both the developed and developing countries Hepatitis C is a health problem on a global scale. Cultural factors of different regions highly influence the epidemiology of the disease. The prevalent culture in the developed …

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