Reston ebolavirus

Something in the Forest 1. Describe the life of Charles Monet. What were his “hobbies”? 2. Where is Mount Elgon? Describe the surrounding environment. 3. Describe the symptoms experienced by Charles Monet in the days following his visit to Kitum cave. 4. How did Dr. Musoke become infected? Diagnosis 5. Which is the worst of the filovirus “sisters”? What is the kill rate in humans? 6. Describe the information provided by “Mr. Jones” concerning the Marburg virus. 7. What is one general theory for the origin of AIDS? 1 A Woman and A Soldier 8. Who is Nancy Jaax?

9. How did Nancy Jaax cut her hand? Why is this significant? Project Ebola 10. What does USAMRIID stand for? 11. Describe the brief history of Biological Weapons in the U. S. 12. What kinds of precautions were necessary for Nancy Jaax to be able to work in Biosafety Level 3 conditions? What problems did she face? 13. How did Nancy Jaax end up working in Biosafety Level 4? 14. Describe the first known emergence of the Ebola virus. How did it get its name ? 15. Describe the effects of the Ebola virus. How does it appear to be spread? Total Immersion 16.

Describe the symptoms exhibited by the monkeys that were infected with Ebola. 17. Describe the structure of a typical virus. 18. What “scare” did Nancy Jaax have while working with Ebola? 2 19. What happened to the Ebola infected monkeys? What became of the healthy monkeys? How? READING SECTION II: Ebola River 20. Describe Ebola Sudan. 21. Describe Ebola Zaire. 22. Describe the shape of the Ebola virus. 23. What is the C. D. C.? 24. Who is Nurse Mayinga? Describe her situation. 25. Describe how the medical teams worked to prevent the further spread of the disease throughout Kinshasa. Cardinal 26. Who is Eugene Johnson? 27. Who is Peter Cardinal?

28. Explain why a virus may be more like a predator than a parasite. Going Deep 29. Describe the expedition to Kitum Cave. What was the purpose of this trip? 3 30. What was the result of this expedition? READING SECTION III PAGES PART II: “THE MONKEY HOUSE Into Level 3 31. Who is Peter Jahrling? Thanksgiving 32. What significant event occurred over the Thanksgiving holiday in the monkey house? Medusa 33. What discovery did Geisbert make about the viruses infecting the monkeys?

Chain of Command 34. What is meant by a “chain of command” in relation to biohazard work? Space Walk 35. What were the results of the monkey autopsy? Reconnaissance 36. Describe the conditions of the monkey house upon the team entering the building. READING SECTION IV: PART III: “SMASHDOWN” 37. Describe the decontamination process upon leaving the monkey building. 4 38. What was located right next door to the monkey house? Decon 39. Describe how the team attempted to “Decon” the monkey house The Most Dangerous Strain 40.

Describe the Ebola Reston virus strain. 41. How many humans died from Ebola Reston? 42. Why is the Reston virus so much like Ebola Zaire, when Reston supposedly comes from Asia? READING SECTION V: PAGES 375-411 PART IV: “KITUM CAVE” 43. Describe the author’s journey to Kitum Cave? Why did he make this journey? 44. How did AIDS likely first appear? 45. Why have vaccines against HIV been unsuccessful? 46. What became of the Reston, Virginia monkey house? 47. What is the author’s view on the emergence of these destructive viruses?

1. Describe the life of Charles Monet. What were his “hobbies”? 2. Where is Mount Elgon? Describe the surrounding environment. WE WILL WRITE A CUSTOM ESSAY SAMPLE ON ANY TOPIC SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU FOR ONLY $13.90/PAGE Write my sample 3. …

?The book The Hot Zone, by Richard Preston, starts with a description of the activities of Charles Monet before and during when he had Marburg. The description of Monet’s extreme symptoms and death in the first chapter illustrate that this …

Richard Preston’s Hot Zone is a horrific narration of the origin of filoviruses and their encounter with humans. These viruses include Marburg virus (MARV), Ebola virus (EBOV) and Sudan virus (SUDV). They are also known as Biosafety Level 4 agents …

The Hot Zone, a true story that took place in the late 1980’s, is based upon an outbreak of the Ebola virus in a monkey house located in the Washington, D. C. suburb of Reston, Virginia. The author weaves together …

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