Resistance training

For athletes, functional exercises for lower-extremity resistance lay the foundation for sport-specific training that enhances agility and performance. Resistance training for rehabilitation and performance improvement is primarily helpful for sports enthusiasts and athletes. Resistance training is done through constant progression, a systematic procedure of movement in order to prepare the patient for strengthening. The procedure moves from basic muscle-isolation contractions and exercises to more complex load-bearing activities.

Most of the lower-extremity resistance trainings are practical, strengthening and re-creating the system that the body carries out during daily physical activities. Conclusion The movement of the knee joint is controlled by muscles. To avoid injury, athletes must use proper techniques when exercising and in playing sports. Anterior cruciate ligament injury has severe implications for the function and stability of the knee joint.

If reconstruction or injury occurs, rehabilitation of knee muscles is vital and indispensable for achieving renewed performance. Without treatment, the injured ligament will be less capable of controlling knee movement, and as a result the bones are more expected to rub against each other resulting to added injury.

Reference ehealthMD. (2004). What Is The Anterior Cruciate Ligament? Retrieved March 4, 2009, from http://www. ehealthmd. com/library/acltears/ACL_whatis. html

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