Research Essay on Ayurvedic Medicine vs Alllopathic

Ayurvedic medicine is one of the most ancient systems of medicine that people are using from decades. The word ayurvedic is derived from Sanskrit word “ayurveda”. It is made up of two words that are “Ayus” and “Veda”. The former means life and latter means knowledge and the combination of both together forms “knowledge of life”. Ayurvedic medicine is made with the help of plant parts such as leaves, roots, bark etc. Ayurvedic medicine takes long time to treat or prevent disease but it is free from the side effects. On the other hand, allopathic (synthetic) medicine cures faster but gives innumerous side effects.

The use of ayurvedic medicine is better as compared to allopathic medicine as it is easy to prepare, free from side effects and can cure severe diseases. First, in today’s world, people follow allopathic system of medicine because it takes shorter period of time to cure the diseases and provides instant relief from pain. Allopathic medicine follows methodological approach towards diagnosis and cure. Furthermore, many pharmaceutical companies prepare similar drugs due to which, there is a lot of competition in market for allopathic medicine.

Due to this competition, the prices of the drugs get lower and hence most of the drugs are available at lowered prices. Allopathic medicine is easy to find out in market and is not very expensive. In fact, allopathic medicine has more side effects but it also gives quick relief from pain. Furthermore, ayurvedic medicines are derived from herbs and/or mixture of plants product, either alone or in combination with minerals or metals. Ayurvedic medicines can also be made at home by extraction, evaporation, infusion of plant parts.

All these production steps are simple, easy and can be done at home. They do not require the use of expensive and bulky machinery to prepare the product as it is in the case of synthetic medicine. Some preparations of ayurvedic medicines take long time but are less costly as compared to synthetic medicine for example, the medicinal part of ayurvedic medicine is isolated by boiling the required herb in water, which separates medicinal chemical from plant parts and dissolves in water.

Finally, this water mixture is used as medicine to treat and cure diseases. (Spinella 3) In addition, ayurvedic medicines have comparatively less side effects than allopathic medicines. Ayurveda deals with preparations mainly from herbs and natural resources which are harmless and also produce minimal side effects. However, few of the herbal medicines have been reported to be toxic therefore, it is better to research before starting a therapy. There are many reasons behind the toxicity of some of the herbs but most common reason among them is prescription of high dose.

Due to bulky dosage, some side effects can be produced such as Acerola (ayurvedic medicine) is used for fever, liver disease and diuretic. It does not cause any harm at low dose but its heavy dosage can promote the risk of gastrointestinal ailments and kidney stone. As the same, bulky dose of Aloe (Ayurvedic medicine) also irritate the colon and increase risk of renal inflammation. (Burlando, Verotta, Cornara, Bottini-Massa 48) Rare case of toxicity of ayurvedic medicines can be attributed to improper sanitary conditions while preparing the medicine or wrong dietary habits on the part of the patient.

Moreover, Ayurvedic medicines can cure some serious illness which cannot be cured by allopathic medicine for examples various types of cancer, tumors, diabetes, AIDS and hypertension. The major advantage of ayurvedic medicine is its high purity and high potency compared to allopathic medicine. Ayurvedic medicines are obtained from natural resources that contain pure ingredients which can even cure the most dangerous disease. The example of this type of treatment is herbal tea cancer treatment. This treatment uses herbal tea, based on American-Indian formula, containing burdock roots, sheep elm bark and Indian rhubarb.

(Owen 146) Finally, ayurvedic medicines offer long lasting benefits because the preparation of ayurvedic medicines is based on knowledge and experience gained since thousands of years ago by working with natural and herbal things. Ayurvedic medicine is easy to prepare and it rarely gives side effects. Ayurvedic medicine is safe and effective for the people.

There is no doubt that modern allopathic medicine has bought about incredible advances in disease control and health however, ayurvedic treatment is natural way to treat the diseases and it can even cure the fatal diseases that synthetic medicine cannot cure. Work Cited •Bruno, Burlando, et al. “Monographs of Herbal Principles. ” Herbal Principles in Cosmetics.

FL: CRC Press, 2010. NetLibraries. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. •Owen, David J. “AIDS, Cancer and other specialized health areas. ” The herbal internet companion. NY: The Haworth Information Press, 2002. NetLibraries. Web. 21 Mar. 2011. •Spinella, Marcello. “Introduction. ” The psychopharmacology of herbal medicine. London: The MIT Press, 2001. Print.

Ayurvedic medicine is one of the most ancient systems of medicine that people are using from decades. The word ayurvedic is derived from Sanskrit word “ayurveda”. It is made up of two words that are “Ayus” and “Veda”. The former …

Ayurveda vs Allopathy Ayurvedic medicine is one of the most ancient systems of medicine that people are using from decades. The word ayurvedic is derived from Sanskrit word “ayurveda”. It is made up of two words that are “Ayus” and …

Medicine: the science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease (in technical use often taken to exclude surgery). For centuries medicine has been the backbone of health care and prevention of disease. In the West most forms …

Medicine: the science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease (in technical use often taken to exclude surgery). For centuries medicine has been the backbone of health care and prevention of disease. In the West most forms …

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