Relaxation therapy

Some other studies that have been done to evaluate the effects of medical pain have concluded many positive thoughts for various problems and disorders.  In some cases it has shown that with adolescent or pediatric patients that hypnosis could be used in place of general anesthetic and that the child is still not feeling pain.

This has been evidenced in three studies in which the patients all has positive results during their therapy.  The benefits of this could be astounding for those who have problems with anesthesia and for those who are worried about their child undergoing anesthesia (Bertoni, Bonardi, Magno, Mandracchia, Martinelli, Terraneo and Tonoli 1999).

There have also been studies done with cancer patients in hypnosis being able to help them during their treatments.  The results of this have been positive as well and it conclusive from these studies that cancer patients could have a much easier time if they were treated through hypnosis prior to their treatments (Syrjala, Cummings, and Donaldson 1992).

In a study entitled, “Relaxation Strategies and Enhancement of Hypnotic Susceptibility:  EEG, Neurofeedback, Progressive Muscle and Self Hypnosis” there was a good amount of information about patients not being able to undergo hypnosis.  This study suggests that there are a number of reasons to believe that someone is able to better undergo hypnosis from being relaxed and using relaxation techniques first. This process can greatly help those who are not typically able to be hypnotized (Batty, Bonnington, Tang, Hawken, and Gruzelier 2006).

The benefits to hypnosis and relaxation therapy are that there are no set populations for them to be able to monitor or help, it can help in both medical and psychiatric settings, and the therapy is easier to learn and can be conducted by just one therapist or professional.  The disadvantages or limitations to this type of therapy is that it is not used as often in the psychiatric world and the main benefits mentally are that it can help to reduce stress or help others to learn how to reduce their stress.  Some other disadvantages include that there is not a lot of studies done on the reduction of stress but rather most of the studies conducted are on the many medical benefits.

To highlight some of the main similarities between DBT and hypnosis and relaxation therapy are that they both available methods that can reduce stress in the patiens who are seeking help and treatment and they are both used in a number of daily ways with regular therapy and regular therapists.  Also both methods of DBT and hypnosis and relaxation therapy can be beneficial in the treatment of alcoholism. Both methods require that a therapist undergo a thorough amount of training and that they are able to monitor and follow through with continuing training on the subject.

 While some of the main differences include that DBT is primarily performed in group settings and meant to be in the group setting and hypnosis and relaxation therapy is primarily performed on an individual level and in an individual setting.  Another difference is that DBT is typically used in psychiatric settings for the reduction of psychiatric symptoms where as hypnosis and relaxation therapy is used more in a medical setting for the reduction of pain and medical symptoms.

As for the practical clinical use of DBT treatment, there are many things to consider.  In order for DBT treatment to be most effective it needs to be conducted in a precise manner and there needs to be certain things that are followed.  There needs to be a team of therapists whose sole purpose is to perform DBT treatment.  The participants in DBT typically work in a partial inpatient setting with daily therapy sessions.  The team needs to be trained appropriately.  This means that the team needs to attend seminars as individuals as well as part of the team.  The team leader needs to attend continuous training and needs to be able to perform various tasks.

DBT is very effective and can be used in any mental health clinic.  The problems with having a DBT team is that it takes a lot of staff to properly run a DBT group and without the proper supervision and follow through of this staff there can be continuous problems.  Also if staff is not trained properly or if untrained therapists are attempting DBT it can be detrimental to the patients and can cause some adverse affects to their treatment and their ability to manage on their own.  Basically if not followed correctly there can be adverse affects with DBT treatment.

As for the practical uses of hypnosis and relaxation therapy there are a number of ways that this can be used in a clinical setting.  One of the main ways that hypnosis and relaxation therapy can benefit a patient is …

Some of the advantages could also include that there is optimal control of the group and that the group is a strong knit group that slowly earns the trust of others in the group over time.  In the beginning it …

Therefore it can be concluded that there are many advantages to DBT treatment.  These advantages include long term sustainability after the discontinuation of treatment, better response than other treatments, the ability to work for a variety of ages of patients …

There are many different therapy options that are available for practitioners to use.  Some of the therapy options that have recently become more popular and more widely accepted are DBT or dialectical behavioral therapy and hypnosis and relaxation therapy.  These …

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