Regard to pain management

The author begins by outlining some of the discrepancies that occur in nursing practice especially with regard to pain management. Consequently, the Rogers innovative diffusion model would be ideal if applied to this area of research. The author believes that over the past two decades, overwhelming evidence points to the need for new methodologies in dealing with pain management; however, many people have still not been able to change their models.

These cases are prevalent in almost all spheres of nursing even in oncology where there is a lot of emphasis on the issue of patients’ comfort. In light of these problems, there is a need to look for an effective model that will deal with these issues effectively. The researcher proposes Roger’s Diffusion of innovation model. Through this model, one can understand the process of change within social systems. Additionally, it is possible to understand the facilitators and barriers to change within these systems.

When applied to pain management, one can see why there has been minimal change in this area and what needs to be done in order to facilitate this kind of change. The author also asserts that communications patterns in nursing practice can be well understood using this model. Also, it is possible to place some of the underlying innovation problems in context and also to understand the working of the nursing system as a social one. Consequently, the author believes that one can overcome these barriers to change in pain management through Roger’s model.

(Dooks, 2001) Conclusion All four sources provide valuable information about the latter mentioned theories. However, nursing accredited databases seem to be concentrated more on application of these theories in practice rather than the Google search engine which focuses on interdisciplinary applicability.


Harrison, T. (2008): Generalized System’s theory, available at http://n4bz. org/gst/gst1. htm Wellard, S. (2005): Construction of family nursing: A critical exploration; Families, systems and Health, 12, 3, 67 Lee, T. (2003): Nurses adoption of technology: application of Rogers’s innovation diffusion model, Applied Nursing Research, 17, 4, 231-238 Dooks, P. (2001): Diffusion of Pain Management Research into nursing research, Cancer Nursing 24, 2, 99-103, available at http://www. jnsdonline. com/pt/re/jnursestaffdev/fulltext. 00002820-200104000-00004. htm;jsessionid=LtXVB6B842dW9zl1Fyy542FftdTRk9ddGPYNQvjkXn1hqRq9TmkS%21-2060166207%21181195629%218091%21-1? nav=reference

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