Reflection In Presentation

Boud et al (1985) suggested / stated that reflection in the context of learning is a generic for those intellectual and effective activities in which individuals engage to explore their experiences in order to lead to a new understanding and experience. UKCC (1992) Code of Professional Conduct: Clause 1: Act always in such a way so as to promote and safeguard the well-being of the patient and the client.

Ensure that no action or omission on your part or within your sphere of responsibility is detrimental to the interests, condition or the safety of the patient and the client. The author is going to use The Gibbs Reflective Cycle to help her in the process of reflection, as reflection can be a difficult experience without the guidance and support of an expert. Description of Incident We were told in our class that there was a group presentation being held and each of the student had to make a group, choose a subject and do research on that subject. Me and my group partner met each other and decided on a subject on which we could prepare a presentation of 500 words and also write an essay of 2500 words.

But my group partner had an operation the following week which made it impossible for her to come to the library and do any research at all. When I came to know this, I got worried and told my tutor about this, but my tutor told me to carry on with my research myself. After doing my bit of research, I called up my partner on her mobile and asked her if we should go for pre-operative visiting as or topic for the presentation. I also told her that I had started to do the research on the topic. But it was not possible at all. She lived very far from my place which made meeting , taking suggestions and communicating effectively with her even more difficult. At last I had to work on the whole project alone. It was just a week preceding our presentation that we could meet. I had a small bit of work left which I discussed with my partner in the library. It was the day before the presentation that she gave me a surprise by adding a video tape which made my presentation go well.

Feelings I felt disappointed and helpless. I felt that I have been left on my own and that I was not getting any support and help which I expected from being working in a group, as my colleague herself had fallen sick. Both my colleague and myself had a feeling of helplessness and irritation which was beginning to get really annoying. The initial stages of this incident engendered an awareness of uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. Boyd and Fales (1983) describe this stage as a sense of inner discomfort. While Schon (1983) calls it an experience of surprise.

Evaluation The negative side of the whole experience was that I was put into a situation where I was working under stress. I was feeling very sorry for my colleague who had unexpectedly fallen sick. We were both put into a situation that was unchangeable, as we were both in a group. Instead of negotiating with our tutor about the problems we faced, we went through them ourselves, as Schon(1983) drew attention to the fact that nurses generally make decisions based on experience. The sad part of it all was that I had to really work very hard and be assertive to wards my work. At the same time, I felt really happy and content with myself because I brought the situation under control. Overall, this proved to be a positive experience that made me learn to adapt to the circumstances around me.

Analysis To analyse this incident, I have referred to Carper (1978) who identified four patterns of knowing, namely the empirical, the personal, the ethical and the aesthetic. I also used the Dreyfus model suggested by Benner P., in the acquisition and development of skills, which suggests that we can be both a novice and an experienced person at the same time within a situation (Benner 1982). On reflection, this is a situation I found myself in being a novice in a new environment, but at the same time, an experienced practitioner in my own right.

I could have demanded more help from my tutor, but that would have been pointless as we had pre-assigned groups. However, my motivation towards learning proved to be beneficial to me, as I had to get the whole presentation done all by myself. If I am pulled into a similar situation after this, I would be better prepared by negotiating with my tutor.


I have found that by actually using reflection on an aspect of my experience, it has helped me to appreciate how I could I use this form of knowledge theoretically in my daily life. It has also helped me to understand difficult situations better, to alleviate anxieties and share problems with my colleagues. Action Plan If a similar situation arose, I would try to be assertive in a different way. I would try to speak to the tutor privately, although this is not always possible in close confines. Johns(1995) states that a trust in one’s own beliefs can tip the balance between decision and indecision, and that this trust can be developed through reflection.


Benner P. 1982 From Novice to Expert. American Journal of Nursing. 82. 1-1008. 402-407

Boud D, Keogh R, Walker D 1985 Reflection: Turning experience into learning, London, Kagan Page

Boyd E, Fayles A 1983 Reflective Learning: Key to Learning from Experience. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 23 (2) 99-117

Carper B 1978 Fundamental Patterns of knowing in Nursing. Advances in Nursing Science, 1 (1) 13-23

Bond et al (1985) suggested / stated that reflection in the context of learning is a generic for those intellectual and effective activities in which individuals engage to explore their experiences in order to lead to a new understanding and …

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The assignment critically discusses a reflective practice with regards to a clinical placement I undertook. In the following critical incident that I encountered I will utilize the Gibbs Reflective Model. Gibbs reflective model is fairly straightforward and encourage a clear …

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