Record of the patient

In this age of information technology and development there is a huge need of computerized systems like electronic medical records in every health care organization. As these computerized systems improves the efficiency of the performance as well as they tends to save a great deal of time that was not possible with the traditional paper based systems. The traditional paper based systems were slow, prone to errors and time consuming. Those systems were not very much reliable as the filing can get wrong sometimes in hurry or sometimes by mistake.

Another flaw in that system is that when ever information regarding any particular patient is required then the information is mostly unavailable as it takes long to find out the files and documents. It is also difficult to get the history of the patient in paper based system. This situation sometimes creates frustration and state of anger that the physician is not able to find out the record that he wants and sometimes it is also the case that the same record is needed by different members at the same time.

Searching of the paper based record also wastes a lot of time and efforts. By observing these factors it can be concluded that such systems are not only the waste of time, money and efforts but these systems are also not efficient that they can provide care to the patients. Obviously when no history is being observed by the physician then he can not treat the patient according to his previous experiences which makes the patient unsatisfied as well.

For solving all these issues the best possible way is to implement electronic record keeping systems in every medical organization. By creating and implementing the electronic based systems it is easy to maintain the records and it is also easy to manage them and update them. EMR has not only given the benefit of management and up dates but it has also improved the efficiency and has also reduced the time taken in maintaining the records in paper based system.

EMR can provide the information to the physicians just in few seconds and by using few clicks. The physicians can not only check the record of the patient but he can also look at the history of the patient and then can treat him according to that which improves the patient health care to the large extent. The only problem that can take place with EMR or we can say that the development in EMR can be its accessibility from any place.

EMR should be developed to the extent that one can use this system from any place and at any time and same is the argument of our study. The implementation, accessibility and centralization of EMR are the problems that are under discussion through out the study. (Skinner, 1) Need of Accessibility of EMR: In order to gain the advantage of EMR and for using its benefits it is necessary that EMR should be accessible everywhere. There should be secure access to the EMR system provided to the physician so that he can access the required information everywhere.

Electronic records are known for improving the efficiency and organization of any records system, no matter what discipline they are utilized. The field of medicine is one discipline that would benefit most in the use of electronic records. An electronic …

The difference between a paper based and electronic medical record system is where the paper-based records has been around for a very long time and have been known to be a replacement by computer-based records in the western health care …

Health care, according to the Canada Health Infoway and Health Council of Canada (2006), is the most information intensive industry of the world. For every day, massive volume of data that can improve clinical practice and outcomes, guide planning and …

This has became more necessary after the centralization approach in which every patient data has to be put in a single repository to find out the accurate total patient care history and plans regarding patient health. To promote these ideas …

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