Real Life Application Of Memory Concepts

Memory is the ability to encode, store, and retrieve a stimulus. However, memory is not very strong and may be affected by many factors including how alert the individual is and how long the stimulus interacts with the individual. Three techniques that can help an individual remember a certain stimulus are the usage of mnemonics, being aware of state dependent memory, and the method of loci of a stimulus.

These concepts of memory will help with memory and can be used in real life application. Mnemonics is a way that helps individuals remember a series of information in steps by using something that easily remembered compared to the initial stimulus. Mnemonics are a fun way of remembering information that may seem overwhelming at first.

One way that I have used this method of retrieval is through the use of an acronym such as remembering that the colors of the rainbow consist of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet in that order by remembering ROY G BIV, or That King Philip Cried Over Fat Girl Singing can be applied in Biology by helping me remember the order of classification of species ( Kingdom, Phylum, Cordata, Order, Genius, Species). This technique helps me because I am able to associate new information with information that I am well accustomed to. Another concept of memory that can be taken advantage of to improve memory is state-dependent memory.

In other words the state you are in, whether or not you are paying attention and focused when you receive a stimulus or how alert you are when new information is presented to you. This can help identify bad studying habits as those that deter your attention from the assignment. This technique can be used in the future by associating study habits with actions during an exam, for example if you are chewing gum while studying you should probably chew gum during an exam because it will help keep your attention and your mind will feel at equilibrium because you are consistent with certain habits.

A third concept of memory that is effective to those who can visualize information is the method of loci. This method is the practice of visualizing where a certain stimulus is located in a series. For example if I am studying for an exam in calculus and I am practicing a problem that requires a certain formula, I can visualize where in my notes I have written down that formula. At this point I can either look at my notes and find it reasonably fast without reading everything or picture the formula in my head.

This technique is very helpful for those individuals that can really visualize a stimulus well because it allows the individual to build a physical and mental connection of that stimulus. These aspects of memory can be manipulated in order to help an individual grasp specific concepts of a stimulus. Using these methods of memory techniques to help you study for an exam or memorize specific information you can improve your ability to recall and recognize something as specific as the colors of a rainbow or a formula for an exam.

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