Real bodies

Now empiricism on the other hand is through experience and yes you have to ask questions but no you do not have to go in so deep to find the truth. I like empiricism more because I feel they get closer to the truth than rationalist do, instead of asking and trying to reason they concentrate more on experimenting and through means to make ourselves actually experience what we are figuring out. The way we can discover truth though is something else.

We have to use both disciplines I believe to discover truth. First we would use the empiricism side of thinking to experience and experiment to get a feel for what is going on first because then we get rid of the false stuff like what our mind uses called imagination. Then I think we use the rationalist side to ask questions and try to come up with certainties to just make sure that something is for certain but we can not dig in to deep like what happens to all the other rationalists.

Last we leave it up to ourselves to believe what your own mind wants to believe because in actuality when you are in a dream that dream is your reality even though it is not real. In conclusion I think we can know whether our perceptions have any connection with truth and the true nature of reality. But can we know if an external world beyond our mind exist, no and this is because no matter what we do there is always the problem that was presented in the movie the matrix that we can be living in pretty much a dream that is made by something that we don’t know about.

All we can do is believe that we are living our regular day life with our real bodies. We have no way of finding out because we ourselves don’t even know if we are living in our real selves or in our false mind self that seems real so no we will never find out. Our perceptions on the other hand can open up and try to connect with reality. I say this because I think there is a way to open our mind to get closer to truth and this is by being open minded and just having the thought in the back of your mind that there is more to life than what you see.

We only use a little part of our brain and we have advanced in ways that we would have never thought possible 50 years ago. I think if we can use more brain power this will open up the door to the truth. Our perceptions will be so advanced that we will see things in ways that we would have never thought possible. By using more brain power I think we will be able to even move objects with just our thought.

Even though people will object and say that no this will never happen because our brain is not capable of such things I will argument that we only use a small percentage of our brain imagine what will happen if we use more of it and also you can not use this as an objection because you don’t know yourself if it would happen because the only way to know if it does happen and we experience it. Which we would use empiricism.

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