Public health

Assess how effective the new public health approach has been in addressing one of Australia’s health priority areas. (10marks HSC 2009 question) One of Australia’s health priority areas includes CVD. The new public health approach aims to reduce inequity and promote social justice within this group to successfully address the health of this area. This is done through the recognition of social determinants, risk factors and groups at risk through epidemiology.

Risk factors such as unhealthy eating are addressed by incorporation of health advertisements (anti-smoking, checking cholesterol levels), nutritional classes and health education seminars. Also, public schools have incorporated routine visits of health professionals to educate young children to incorporate healthy habits (e. g. healthy Harold). This helps to develop personal skills and empower individuals to make their own informed choices and take up healthy eating. This approach aims to reduce unhealthy eating which in turn decreases chances of CVD and is extremely effective. CVD is common amongst inactive people and older aged population.

The new public health approach recognises this trend and works to eliminate this inequity. Extra health services, recreational and fitness services are incorporated into those areas with some areas being cheaper than others so people can afford these services (e. g. low SES areas; Western Sydney, are more likely to have cheaper priced gym memberships). This helps to create supportive environments and motivates the targeted population at risk of CVD to get active, consequently reducing their chances of CVD. The increased use of healthy food products in schools and facilities aims to improve overall health of Australians.

This public health policy restricts a certain amount of unhealthy food in certain areas (e. g. school canteens) which increases and motivates a healthy nutrition. This approach is an effective way in reducing the chances of CVD as nutrition plays a major role in prevalence of CVD. Evaluate the types of practice methods and feedback that can assist an athlete to progress through the stages of skill acquisition. (15 marks 2009 HSC Question) Different methods of feedback and practice methods are utilised depending on the stages of skill acquisition.

In the cognitive stage, feedback should be extrinsic, constructive and frequent since the player isn’t skilled or hasn’t experienced enough to correct and understand errors. Knowledge of results and performance isn’t likely to be used as it may deter/ demotivate the player from continuing to execute the skill. The practice should be first done in a closed environment allowing for slow, self-pacing and understanding of the skill being performed. This allows for errors and corrections to be made by the coach to ensure skill is executed correctly with proper technique.

Depending on the skill, complex skills should be part and broken down. Distributed practice of the skill is recommended to allow for recovery from fatigue and to keep motivated which is extremely important for beginners. For example, learning how to kick a soccer ball accurately can be distributed into smaller drills as there are many types of kicks in soccer. Light passes, corner kicks and free kicks can be separated in separate drills, allowing for a wide range of the skill to be incorporated and effectively practiced. As the learner becomes proficient and experienced in the skill, knowledge of performance should be used.

The player is experienced enough to be able to analyse his own skill level and weaknesses which helps the learner as well as the coach make adjustments and corrections to his skill acquisition to ensure maximum progression. The training should be in an open environment so the learner can adapt the skill he is learning to an unpredictable environment as well as help to cope with competition (assessment of skill acquisition when dealing with stress and pressure). This allows the coach to make corrections in the skill acquisition process of the learner which could not be recognised in a closed environment.

The practice methods are massed and whole to develop proficiency and the expected health and form needed for the sport the skill is incorporated in. By doing this method, it helps to develop the skill acquisition of the learner into the autonomous stage. At this stage, practice methods should incorporate tactics, strategies and analysis of competition. This helps test how fluid and effortless the learner can execute the skill whilst thinking about the bigger part, such as winning the desired event or sporting competition.

Feedback is used as a guiding tool and is central for good and successful coaching and learning. In order for the learner to learn new skills, there needs to be constant observations of their actions. Feedback is information from the …

The diagram above is a Systems Approach to human behaviour based on the model of Shedden, 1982′ (Acquiring Skill) This focuses the coach’s attention on the perception and questions whether the learner has the perceptual problem, which may require an …

The main aims of public health are to improve the health of the nation, this has many benefits as it reduces the amount of illness and disease in the population, reduces the cost of healthcare provision to the NHS, it …

Fitts and Posner suggest that this progression from novice to expert can be modelled using information processing concepts. Their model, which shows the three phase of skill learning helps coaches to analyse what stage of learning their athletes are at …

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