Public health

From the examination of the problem certain facts can be seen. The sewage water may be causing a health hazard in more than one way. These include:- Producing foul odour and being a physical health hazard Offering a breeding ground for mosquitoes, flies and other insects, thus causing a potential for spreading several diseases Mixing with irrigation water and thus polluting a food source Mixing with creek water and thus posing as a health hazard to the children who are using the creek for swimming.

Some of the acts that may be considered relevant for this particular issue include the Queensland Public Health Act 2005, Environmental Protection Act 1994, and Local Government Act 1993. According to section 11 of the PHA 2005, the definition of a public risk is mentioned. These include placing any animal, thing, structure or a substance that is likely to be a breeding ground for foul pests or harbour pests.

Any thing that would contribute or help in the transmission of human infections and involves pests breeding, water pollution, placing a dead or a living structure, disposal of waste or sewage, any activity that generates waste that could help in transmission of a human infection/disease, etc, can be considered to be a public health risk. The ministry and the Governing council should not permit any activity that could be hazardous to human health and which can contribute to human disease or is likely in transmission of human disease.

However, in the Queensland PHA, animal diseases and non-infectious conditions are specifically excluded. The PHA 2005 binds of all persons of the state and the state is responsible for ensuring enforcement of the Act. The main objective of the Queensland PHA 2005 is to ensure that the public health is protected and promoted, in the state of Queensland. The objectives laid down under the act are mainly achieved through:- Preventing or reducing any risks that may be present to public health and safety Identifying and responding to notifiable conditions

Placing certain obligations on people when certain risks to public health and safety exist Notifying doctors and other healthcare providers about any risks that could exist to public health and safety Collecting, processing and dispersing health information so that the public and the healthcare professionals can be informed of any health condition and immediate action can be taken Placing certain inquiries into any risks that may exist with public health Responding to any emergency calls Ensuring that the objectives of the act are adequately monitored and enforceda.

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The Romans developed the first ever system of public health. They understood that dirty conditions made people ill, and in order to ensure that their empire thrived their soldiers and merchants had to be healthy. So they provided many facilities …

According to Section 124 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993, the Local government can issue orders to local parties in order to take certain actions for infringements under other acts. These other acts include the Food Act 2003, Protection …

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