Psychology for Sports Performance

The definition of personality is something that represents those characteristics of the person that account for consistent patterns of behaviour. Also it is an overall pattern of psychological characteristics that makes each person a unique individual. Also with personality there are key characteristics. The four key characteristics are extrovert, introvert, stable and neurotic. The first one extrovert is simply a person who seeks social situations and likes excitement. However when it comes to a long sport there is a lack of concentration.

The second characteristic is introvert. This is the opposite of an extrovert person. This is a person who doesn’t seek social situations, likes peace and quiet and is also very good at concentrating. When looking at the characteristic stable this is were a person does not swing from one emotion to the other. The final characteristic is neurotic; it is certainly not the least though. This is a person who is highly anxious and has unpredictable emotions just like the famous footballer Roy Keane.

Part One I am going to do three performers from contrasting sports and put personality characteristics in about them. The first performer I will do is from the sport of cricket and it is Ricky Ponting I am choosing him because he is a very rugged character and can also be outspoken with his views or when it is not going his way. He can also be very bubbly this can with his team mates on d off the pitch and also with the opposition and the selected umpires.

However he can get involved too much in some situations for example in the ashes 2005 he got run out by a substitute fielder who was on for one of the strike bowlers, this annoyed because he didn’t think it was right he was on the field. He showed this also by shouting abuse to the England dressing room. Ponting participates in sport because he is always hungry to win matches whether that is against a top team or an average team. He has also got a big competitive streak in him, which you can see because he sees he anguish in the field when things aren’t going his way and delight when things are going well for him.

The next performer is will choose is from the sport of football, he is a character that you never seem to miss on the pitch. This player is Roy Keane. When you see Keane on the pitch he shines out if that be in the tackle or leading from the front. He is a very aggressive and passionate character and lets everything he has on the pitch every week. He is a short fuse and even being a small person will not let anyone bully him around the pitch or before a game. Keane is a true winner and this shows because in the 1999 champion’s league semi-final he got a booking and this would mean that he’d miss the final. He didn’t let this get him down and he went on to score a goal and get them into the final, some fans say he won the cup single handily.

The last performer that I am using as the example is Asafa Powell. When you look at him as a person you will see he is a very quiet performer and doesn’t get involved with the press very often. He is a very dedicated athlete and trains thoroughly and intensely to keep up his record running times. He is the only performer at the time in 100 metres that is not being questioned when he runs a good race because he doesn’t use and substances to enhance his performance. He is very placid before races and after races, this shows he can control his emotions well and doesn’t let winning get to his head, he just gets back to his training and looks at what he needs to improve on. He participates in athletics because he is of a good build and devotes himself to power and short burst of energy.

Comparing two sports performers I am now going to compare two of the performers I have mentioned. The two I will compare are Asafa Powell and Ricky Ponting. I will compare them by using the key characteristics of personality and show how they differ from each other. There are two types of states for personality they are type A and type B. Type A applies to individuals that are impatient and lack tolerance towards others.

They also have high levels of personal anxiety. Type B people are far more relaxed and are more tolerant towards others. They have much lower personal anxiety. This is the start of were the two performers differ, Powell is relaxed performer and is opened minded towards his own times and performance along with his coach. On the other hand Ponting has his own views and sticks to them what ever the circumstance, he does not like to stand around in matches and let things happen he wants to make things happen that’s why his patience is short.

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