Psychological Factors

This is an internal drive that people have to participate or perform well in a sport. Motivate includes fun, enjoyment and the satisfaction of achieving something. This gives participants high levels of concentration and a feeling they are in total control E. G. Enjoying it so you make your self committed to the sport, listening to music to get you in the mood. I enjoy playing tennis so I play it when ever I can; I train 3 times a week and play socially when ever possible.

If you play a sport you enjoy, it means you will play a lot which means you will improve a lot. Steven Gerrard plays football because he enjoys it, he once said that if he wasn’t a professional, he would be playing for a men’s team on a Sunday and playing when ever he can.  Extrinsic Extrinsic is to motivation that comes from outside an individual. The motivating factors are external, or outside, rewards such as medals or money. These rewards provide satisfaction and pleasure that the task itself may not provide.

An extrinsically motivated student, for example, may dislike an assignment, may find it boring, or may have no interest in the subject, but the possibility of a good grade will be enough to keep the student motivated in order for him to put forth the effort to do well on an assignment. When I was in school last year doing my PE GCSE I really hated it, because it was so boring. I tried really hard though because I wanted the good grade to get into college.

Football owners often only care about winning these days; if they don’t get into Europe of win a trophy then it is often the manager that will get sacked with no second chances, all they care about is winning and getting rewards. Anxiety Over anxiety to do well causes high levels of stress and involves worrying that failure may occur. Some competitors can cope with anxiety and are mainly calm; I think Steven Gerrard is a very good example because he can keep calm in very important situations such as an FA Cup Final or Champions League Final. If personal motivation becomes too great then performance can suffer.

There are two types or Anxiety:-  Trait Anxiety This is a personality trait that is enduring in the individual. A performer with high trait anxiety has the predisposition or the potential to react to situations with appreciation. Trait anxiety comes from you and your own worries. West Ham is a good example because they had a spell of losing 4-0 for a couple of games, so when they had to play their rivals Tottenham they were on the back of two 4-0 defeats so the team were feeling that they couldn’t lose 4-0 again especially to Spurs. Even though they went into the game with this attitude, they lost 4-0 again.

Roger Federer is one of the best tennis players in the world, he can beat anyone but the only player that can get near to beating him is Nadal, he has lost to him quite a few times and Ferderer will fear playing Nadal because of this. * State Anxiety This is anxiety in a particular situation (competitive), this is where you worry about the environment you play in, and feeling more under pressure, for example footballers play really well in a training match but when they have to play in front of 70,000 people in a world cup match its completely different.

I play really well when I’m not under pressure, but when I have a game I sometimes get a bit nervous and don’t play as well as I could. I can play really well when I’m doing a rally in tennis but when I play a competitive match I feel more under pressure. Pressure can often cause stress for a lot of people, like if your taking a penalty, if its during the game and your winning anyway it may not be so bad but when you have a penalty in the last minute of the game and the score is 1-1, the blame could get put on you if you miss it. Arousal

Arousal is another term for the amount of motivational drive that a sports performer has. High arousal can lead to high levels of stress. Arousal is good for sport up until a certain point. Once you get past that point arousal can get you aggravated and cause you to under perform in your sport. It can often lead to consequences as well, for example Eric Cantona got annoyed to easily with his high arousal and ended up attacking a member of the public and was banned from the game for 9 months. As arousal gets even higher, then performance starts to decline.

Therefore at very low levels and very high levels performance is poor. A moderate level of arousal is optimum for the best possible performance. I often get very annoyed when I get taken off for Feering, especially when I feel that I shouldn’t have been taken off. I also find it hard to come on as a sub in a game and play to my best. If I feel I should be winning a tennis game and I’m not, and don’t see it going my way, I get very annoyed with myself. If a player misses a penalty in a shoot out to decide the game, they could blame themselves and get very annoyed with themselves.

Anxiety can be described in many ways, one is, “a negative emotional state with feelings of nervousness, worry and apprehension associated with activation or arousal of the body” (Weinberg and Gould 1995) It is a natural part of performing, you …

Arousal is the psychological readiness to perform a task. Galligan et al. (2002) defined arousal ‘Arousal is the level of psychological readiness’. Our body’s arousal levels have vast consequences on our ability to perform certain things. Arousal affects; performance, attitude …

Some people have very different views on training and the factors that affect them to participate in sport. They have very different attitudes to training. I’m doing climate affecting participation. Some people may want to go out in the rain …

The primary objective of this study is to undertake a needs assessment for an elite level athlete, providing focus on psychological factors which could be inhibiting optimal performance. Using results identified in a needs assessment, the study continues to develop …

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