Protect life

PCs protect life and property, maintains law and order, prevents and detects crime and prosecutes offenders. PCs usually work an eight-hour day or night on a three-shift system with two days’ rest each week. PCs may spend much of their time outdoors in all weathers, sometimes in very difficult and unpleasant conditions such as at traffic accidents or serious crimes. Constables’ salaries start at 18,624, which rises to around 20,436 after successful completion of initial training and with experience, PCs can earn around 28,000. They may get additional income for working overtime. PCs working in the London area may get an additional cost-of-living allowance of up to 6,000.

Police Sergeant.

A police Sergeant is responsible for supervising patrol officers and agents as assigned and maintaining the chain of command within the operations of the department. Their duties are: developing training programs to department personnel; directing special units; preparing special reports or projects as assigned; receiving and reviewing reports from officers; assigning personnel in accordance to specific needs. Usually requires a minimum of bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and/or additional certifications and at least 5-7 years of law enforcement experience. Typically reports to Chief of Police, Captain, or Lieutenant.

Transit and Railroad Police He apprehends or removes trespassers or thieves from railroad property, or coordinates with law enforcement agencies in apprehensions and removals. He direct and coordinate the daily activities and training of security staff. He directs security activities at derailments, fires, floods, and strikes involving railroad property. He examines credentials of unauthorized persons attempting to enter secured areas. He investigates or directs investigations of freight theft, suspicious damage or loss of passengers’ valuables, and other crimes on railroad property. He plan and implement special safety and preventive programs, such as fire and accident prevention.

He prepares reports documenting investigation activities and results. b) A summary of the main conditions of the Police Constable Hours of work The normal working week is 40 hours on a shift basis. Shift patterns vary between forces. All ranks below superintendent are entitled to two rest days a week and compensation if required to work over those two days. They are also entitled to leave or compensation in lieu of public holidays.

Part-Time Working Police officers of all ranks may be able to work part-time. As a general rule, the same terms and conditions should apply to part-time officers as they apply to full-time officers, where appropriate on a pro rata basis. You can apply to join the police service as a part-time officer but whilst on probation you must work an average of at least 24 hours a week (1,248 hours a year). Initial training must be completed on a full-time basis. Officers working part-time will not be exempt from working shifts – including night duties.

The annual salary of a part-time (or job sharing) probationer, constable or sergeant is that of a full-time officer calculated on a pro rata basis. Accomodation and Postings All officers are required to perform duties at any location within the force area. No undertaking can be given to post anyone close to home or to a selected district either on appointment or in service. Officers must find their own accommodation, with the place of residence subject to the approval of the chief officer.

Annual Leave All ranks are entitled to periods of annual leave on full pay. In your first five years of service, including your probationary period, you will receive 21 days annual leave per year, which will increase the longer you are in service. Part-time officers are entitled to the same number of days annual leave as full-time officers with the same amount of service, but the time credited will be on a pro rata basis. Sick Leave Officers receive full pay during the first six months of any absence due to sickness or injury with entitlement to half pay for a further six months. Uniform and Equipment Uniform and equipment are provided free by the Police Authority. When leaving the force, the officer returns them to the Police Authority.

There are many training opportunities available to the people who work in the public service sector. For police officers, there is the IPLDP (Initial Police Learning and Development Programme) and deals with practical training such as self defense and first …

“Wrongful death refers to the death of an individual which due to someone else negligence or fault. Drinking while driving and factory defective products which leads to death are just some of the examples of improper conduct. Wrongful deaths may …

The person’s genes can give a lot of information about a person. The genes can basically trace one’s family tree, give information regarding certain disorders that may have been inherited, and may also be used to clone an entire human …

A police officer is someone who tries to keep the community safe. They do this by either patrolling the community or through call they receive. In an emergency, a person would dial ‘999’ and ask for the police. They would then …

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