Projects nurses

By participating in research projects, nurses become leaders in their own departments by working to improve nursing practice and patient care. Nursing research will mentor clinical nurse through the entire nursing knowledge to gain recognition and prominence. It set standards for patient care and nursing practice. Nursing research will definitely help nurses grow professional individuals. Demonstrate growth in the area of teaching/learning Teaching skills drastically changed the healthcare system increasing the roles of a nurse from minor to major roles.

The teaching role of a nurse has greater significance in the new healthcare diversity. During the working phase of a nurse, client relationship, a nurse may teach the client new methods of coping and solving problems. The nurse must be honest enough about what information he or she will provide and when and where to refer clients for further information. This behavior and honesty build trust in the patients. Today, nursing education involves intensive and extensive clinical experience that sets them apart from the previous way of nursing education.

Comparing my learning abilities from my freshman and junior days, I have an efficient learning now because nursing education is more intensive and extensive in nature. It does not only consider what is written in books and journals that are being taught in the four corners of the classroom but moreover able to apply these knowledge to be transformed into experiences. Experience is the best teacher for me especially when it deals to complicated and serious one.

Demonstrate growth in the area of completeness, creativity, organization and neatness Completeness, creativity, organization and neatness play vital role in the field of nursing. A nurse should be organized in everything he does to minimize accidents and errors encountered in private and public hospitals. A nurse must know where to get his or her medical apparatus especially when there is an emergency. Every second is very important and an organized medical setting will minimize the wastage of time.

Neatness is next to Godliness. All equipment must be sterile before using is to the patient. As a developed many nursing traits and behaviors, neatness is one of my top priorities. The growth in the creativity area can be seen when I was able to handle my patients with out making me mad. Dealing with my patients sometimes leads to loss my temper. But because of my creativity, I was able to find solutions on how to deal with my patients with out compromising the quality of healthcare and not losing my temper.

This report will review the impact of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) 2010 Report on the future of Nurses leading change by education, Nursing Practice in primary care, changing Nursing Practice to meet to IOM Report goals and impact on …

This report will review the impact of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) 2010 Report on the future of Nurses leading change by education, Nursing Practice in primary care, changing Nursing Practice to meet to IOM Report goals and impact on …

The research paper compares and contrasts the scope of nursing practice between licensed practical nurses (LPNs) and registered nurses (RNs) in the United States. Both LPNs and RNs possess the attitude of caring to patient care and are both responsible …

The project would lead to the creation of effective means of delivering quality health services by shifting from service driven to consumer driven practices; improving the traditional roles of nurses; transforming doctors and patients; recognizing patients’ rights for personal choices …

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