Professional Dynamics

Professional Development of Nursing ProfessionalsThe Institute of Medicine report was done by a committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and released on October 5, 2010. After two years of research to better understand the consequences for nursing and the expected changes in healthcare, the report outlines the future of healthcare in the United States. It points out that nurses are going to have a critical role in that future by producing safe, quality care and coverage for all patients in our health care system. The Institute of Medicine report discussed proposals regarding”.

The Future of Nursing, Leading Change and Advanced Health in the United States. (“The Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers,” 2010) The Institute of Medicine report will have a significant impact nursing education, the nursing practice and the nurse’s leadership role. In the Institute of Medicine report four vital messages were established by the committee. (1) Nurses are obligated to perform their nursing skills to the fullest extent of their education and training. (2) Nurses should pursue furthering there education and skills to advanced levels. (3)

Nurses should be part of the medical team alongside the physician and other health care professionals. . (4) Nurses should be a part of an operative workforce in planning, policy making, and assist with data collection and information organization. (“Advising the nation/ Improving health,” 2010)The impact of the IOM report on nursing education consists of the requirements placed on nurses to have complex levels of education in order to serve in the fluctuating nursing industry. The Institute of Medicine report recommends that the proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate degree increase from 50% to 80% by 2020 (Institute of Medicine, 2011).

The IOM report urges that nurses engage in constant knowledge to progress in the skills needed to provide care for diverse populations. In the current healthcare setting, requirements put emphasis on refining services that nurses have for patients. Nurses will be obligated to progress academically to achieve the education needed to care for patients as expected. (Institute of Medicine, 2011)An increase in the people in insurance healthcare will cause nursing practices and primary care to be impacted by the Institute of Medicine Report.

According to recent surveys and reports primary care is increasing with the increase in the aging population. There are too few primary care nurses to fulfill the patient care needs due to chronic illness and attempts to prevent acute illnesses. Nurses must be able to address the needs of the patient. When goals and objectives are set, nurses must play a key role in assuring they are accomplished. According to the IOM report on nurses, evidence shows that most nurses find it difficult to adapt to the changing healthcare settings because of the problems that exist. There are a number of obstacles that exist in nursing; high turnover rate, barriers on policies and regulations,

improper approaches to transition nurses from their learning institution to practice and challenges of the aging workforce and barriers of the demographics. (Institute of Medicine, 2010) Nurses have the ability to deliver excellent services but due to the obstacles in the nursing industry they are unable to practice as required. (Institute of Medicine, 2011) Changing one’s professional practice to meet the goals outlined in the Institute of Medicine Report can be done by specifying that a specialty nurse care for the patients with difficult and unstable health care needs.

Incorporate knowledge, competence skills and research that go beyond the traditional nurses scope of practice and when providing patient care consider their health and environment. Encourage nurses to acquire an innovative approach, focusing on continuous development of skills experience and knowledge while continuing to practice holistic patient center care. Nurses in leadership roles are emphasized in the IOM report. The report stressed that the incorporation of leadership develop where necessary for nurses when the process of preparing the right professionals of the nursing industry. Suggestions on the development of patient care models

give entrepreneurial opportunities and implement innovation through information technology. It is recommended that nurses possess strong leadership qualities and focus on delivering patient 1 / 2 oriented care. Nurses must take initiative with their role as leaders and managers in order to improve the standards of care. According to the ANA Leadership institute programs have been developed to institute evidence based practice and multidisciplinary approach to build, develop, enhance and grow your leadership impact. In conclusion, the Institute of Medicine report main focus is on how to improve the performance by nurses.

Nurses makeup a large part of the healthcare workforce. To ensure that nurses are prepared to meet the expected challenges, high quality education there must be an adequate number of nurses with the right competencies and skills.


  • Taking the Long View to Build the Nation’s Nursing Workforce. (2010). Retrieved from hppt://nursingworkforcecenters. org
  • The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. (2010). Retrieved October 7, 2014, from hppt://iom. edu
  • The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. (2011). Retrieved from http://Institute of Medicine_The_Future_of_Nursing POWERED BY TCPDF (WWW. TCPDF. ORG).

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Future of Professional Nursing Development: Impact of the Institute of Medicine Report Future of nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health (2010) is a report issued by the Instituted of Medicine, which “calls on nurses to take a greater role in America’s …

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