Problems and distress in life

Suicide has been a very famous way for people to forget their problems and distress in life. Most cases of suicide are due to excessive pain and stress which are both unbearable to those who commit it. According to sociologist Emile Durkheim, the involvement of an individual into a certain group determines the degree to which he or she may commit suicide. He also recognized the factors that may contribute to suicidal tendencies, such as ill health, financial distress, bereavement, disappointment in love, failing an examination and many more (Broom, 1990).

It is also a trend today that not only adults, but even teenagers commit suicide. It was noted that more than 5, 000 young people kill themselves in the United States and are proven to have poor social relationships with others Broom, 1990). It hurts even more just knowing that a teenager, who is very young and full of promises kill himself. Statistics show that suicide is one of the top leading causes of death among students in their tertiary levels. Although different countries have relatively different teenage suicidal rates, researchers are definite that they are all increasing (Teenage Suicide, 2006).

One may be asking on how to know if someone is vulnerable to suicide. There are many signs that are presented by about. com. These include changes in mood and personality, previous attempt, giving out properties to close friends and significant others, isolation and loneliness and many more. By knowing these, we will be able to know how to help them cope up and avoid death. We can talk to them or bring them to councilors who can give them more and effective solutions to their problems. What’s important is that we show them our care and love.

Many psychologists suggest that those people with suicidal tendencies must find ways to get over that bad feeling. They may do it on line by visiting several sites that can help them, like The Samaritans, Psych Central and more. But because not everyone can simply have this, they can also look for professionals or private people who can help them out with their problems That fact is very alarming, that’s why we chose to discuss teenage suicide and even presented art forms in order to convey its meanings and risks. The bust that we made was a representation of the teens who committed suicide.

It has a human head and shoulders and is painted in colors off white, white, black, brown, yellow, even red. The mouth has a zipper that shows “the silent cry”. Most often teens are not heard and understood. They are often misinterpreted and taken for granted. What we do not know is that they have a lot of things to say and many ideas to share. Most people see them as delinquents. They are being wanted to speak or voice out their emotions. They have mouths but they fail to seek for help. Their eyes are also scared, showing that they do not see reality.

They are taken over by problems, not seeing that more people suffer worse than they do. Their eyes do not want to see the fact that not all people get what they want. Their ears are also torn because they are afraid to hear their mistakes and life’s shortcoming. Because they choose to be blind, deaf and mute, they often end up in distress. The bust was a way to engage the audience to the project proponents and to feel empathy in both parties. Prevention of suicide can start in our homes. We can begin it by showing affection to our loved ones.

If there is no wall between and among family members, it will be very easy to share burdens and problems with each other. We must always think that life is good and we must share that belief with other people that we meet everyday.


Broom, et al. (1990). Sociology: A core text with adapted readings. Belmont: Wadsworth, Inc. Peters, L. (1985). Teenage suicide: identification, intervention and prevention. Retrieved February 22, 2009, from http://www. ericdigests. org/pre-923/teenage. htm Teenage Suicide. (2006). Retrieved February 21, 2009, from http://menshealth. about. com/od/teenhealth/a/teen_suicide. htm

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