Prevalence and Incidence

Perhaps genital herpes is one of the subjects that are discussed in secret, especially for those who have it, because it is a sensitive issue. People don’t go around announcing that they have or acquired it. In fact, most people are ashamed to even think about this disease. With hundreds and hundreds of people getting infected with genital herpes, we may want to ask ourselves, how prevalent is the incidence of genital herpes? Both men and women can be affected by genital herpes. It is one of the sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that are common in the United States (Weinstock, Berman & Cates, 2004). The HerpesClinic.

com (n. d. ) claims that one out of four adults has herpes, and each year presents one million cases of genital herpes in the United States. The Brown University (2006) stated that the number of those who are infected with genital herpes in the United States reached 40 million. All over the world, genital herpes infection poses as a big problem as the cost that was associated with herpes was more or less $237 million in 2004 alone (CureResearch. com, 2005). Aside from this, there will come a time when almost half of the US adult population will have genital herpes if the incidence continues to grow (Herpesclinic. com, n. d. ).

The Brown University (2006) released an article which discusses basic information on this disease. According to the article, genital herpes is one of the sexually transmitted infections (STI) caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). Statistics showed that genital herpes is one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). One characteristic of herpes is that it can establish a lifelong presence in the body through traveling up the nerve pathways after the first infection. It then remains dormant for a long time, unless factors such as fever, menstruation, stress, exposure to bright sunlight and skin trauma reawakens the virus.

How then is it transmitted? The most common way for transmission is through sexual intercourse, especially when one or both of the partners is/are infected with the virus. It spreads faster when there is a blister. The prodomal symptoms, or the warning that the virus might be present on the skin, are tingling, itching or other sensations before a blister appears. The time for this virus to spread is when the symptoms are first noticed until its complete healing. Many studies claim that any form of sexual contact can transmit the virus any time.

Moreover, the virus can be transmitted to other parts of the body by touching the blisters. It is important that infected persons occasionally wash their hands or wear gloves when applying creams or lotions. One must also refrain from touching his eyes after getting in contact with the blisters or lesions (Brown University, 2006). The Brown University (2006) furthered that the virus can be transmitted during asymptomatic periods. Since recurrences of infection sometimes are unrecognized because they may appear mild, atypical or in areas difficult to see.

In fact, there are studies which showed that the virus can be shed without any symptoms. As a result, many people do not know that they have acquired it. Wearing condoms or dental gams during sexual intercourse minimizes the risk of virus transmission. However, wearing them does not mean a hundred percent assurance that the partners cannot be infected. They can still be infected when the virus spread in areas not covered, such as buttocks or thighs. According to Albrecht (n. d. ), a person is more likely to be infected if he has symptoms of herpes infection.

The author also added that it is more likely for transmission to happen from an infected male to an uninfected female than the reverse. Men and women are also exposed to infection through anal sex. However, the risk of transmission is lesser if both sexual partners are infected with the very same virus type. It is also possible for one person to be infected with the HSV-1 and HSV-2 types. Two types of Herpes Simplex Virus exist. These are the Herpes Simplex Type 1 (HSV-1), and Herpes Simplex Type 2 (HSV-2). Cold cores and fever blisters near the mouth are the common causes of HSV-1.

The Brown University (2006) says that HSV-1) is responsible for one-third of genital herpes cases. This is usually transmitted through oral-genital sex. HSV-2, on the other hand, is responsible for lesions in the genital area. It accounts for two-thirds of new genital infections. However, it is not usually the cause of oral infections. The virus starts replicating and invading nerve cells and spreading once a person is infected with genital herpes. Then the HSV stays in the sacral ganglia, which is at the base of the spine.

As the virus hides in these ganglia, they are away from the reaches of the body’s immune system. It can be active again after remaining inactive for long periods of time (Herpesonline. org, 2002-2007). Symptoms Symptoms will vary from person to person. Others may not experience any symptom, or there are so mild that they are barely noticeable. But the most common symptoms of genital herpes are painful and itchy blisters in or near the sex organs, which later become painful ulcers. These blisters burst and become oozing shallow sores that can take up to more or less than three weeks to completely heal.

Other symptoms are flu-like ones, such as headache, muscle aches and fever, which are experienced mostly by women. Moreover, infected women can experience pain when they urinate and abnormal discharge. It takes about two to fourteen days for the first outbreak to appear. Some people experience non-genital symptoms such as meningitis. Herpes can cause proctitis, a condition wherein there is an inflammation in the rectum or anus (Albrecht, n. d. ). Infections are severe in persons who have impaired immune systems (WebMD, 2007).

The Brown University (2007) took note of other symptoms such as general discomfort, pain with intercourse, and tender lymph nodes near the groin area. When the infection recurs, which is usually the case with HSV-2 infection, tingling and irritation occurs 12 to 24 hours before the appearance of blisters. This symptom happens in 50% of all cases. There are also painful genital lesions which last for four to six days. Other symptoms include urinary hesitancy, increased urinary frequency or urgency, incontinence, and genital sores in both male and female (The National Men’s Resource Center, 1996-2006).

For those who were infected for the first time with either HSV 1 or 2, systematic (whole body) symptoms are malaise, fever, decreased appetite and generalized achiness (myalgia). Infections are said to be milder and shorter in duration in men than in women (The National Men’s Resource Center, 1996-2006). Occasional outbreaks can be treated with essential oils, but a stronger immune system proves to be of utmost help in preventing the recurrence of outbreaks. And since the virus cannot be cured, a person with genital herpes infection must remain healthy in his lifestyle (Herpesonline. org, 2002-2007).

According to the Herpesclinic. com (n. d. ), the most prevalent among viral sexually transmitted diseases is genital herpes. It affects one person for every 30 seconds. In fact, the number of cases for genital herpes is more compared to …

Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by simplex viruses type 1(HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2). Genital Herpes is mostly caused by Herpes type 2. Herpes type 1 and type 2 all have minimal symptoms that show infection to an …

Especially for women, genital herpes can cause many complications. According to Kirchheimer (2002), women who have genital herpes can be at risk of getting cervical cancer. HSV-2 was found in almost half of women who have cervical cancer. Kirchheimer (2002) …

When most people think about the Herpes Simplex Virus, most believe that is categorized only as a sexually transmitted disease that affects areas of the male and female genitalia. In that case it would be a sexually transmitted disease however, …

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