Prescription drug and general sales list

1 – Understand the legislative framework for the use of medication in social care… | | 1. 1 – Identify legislation that governs the use of medication in social care settings| | Ans: The legislations that govern the use of medication in social care settings are as follow: 1) The Medicines Act 1968, 2) The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (and later amendments), 3) The Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) Regulations 1973 (and later amendments), 4) The Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), 5) COSHH, 6) The Mental Capacity Act (2005) 7) The Access to health records Act (1990).

8) The Data Protection Act (1998) 9) Administration and Control of Medicines in Care Homes and Children’s Services June 2003, and 10) Care Standards Act 2000 (receipt, storage and Administration of medicines), 1. 2 – Outline the legal classification system for medication: The Legal Classification system of medication is as follow: As per The Medicines Act 1968 the drugs are classified as below: 1) POM- Prescription only medicines The prescriptions can be issued by doctors, dentists, nurse independent prescribers, pharmacist independent prescribers and supplementary prescribers.

The retail sale or supply of product is prohibited. For example: Acyclovir, Albendazole, Adrenaline, Ampicillin, Azithromycin, Azlocillin Sodium, Aztreonam, and Bacampicillin Hydrochloride, Bacitracin etc. 2) P – Pharmacy Medicines: It includes all those medicines which are not in POM (prescription only medicines) or GSL (general sales list), and includes all medicines made in a pharmacy for retail sale under the exemptions from licensing granted to retail pharmacies. For examples: Paracetamol, Antibiotic eye drops etc. 3) GSL- General Sales List.

Those medicinal products which in the opinion of the appropriate minister can with reasonably safety be sold or supplied otherwise by or under the supervision of a pharmacist. For example: Schedule 1&2 excipients, glycerine extract, bovine blood derivatives etc. 4) CD – Controlled drugs: The drugs subjected to control are listed in scheduled 2 of the act are termed controlled drugs. For example: Cannabis etc. 1. 3 – Explain how and why policies and procedures or agreed ways of working must reflect and incorporate legislative requirements: Ans:

The policies and the procedures or the agreed ways of working are as follows: 1) All medications shall be ordered as per the policy “Ordering of Medications”. 2) Pharmacy will be notified of all patient allergies and should be informed of the patient’s height and weight as soon as possible after admission. A Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties (CPS) and Intravenous Medication Reference Manual shall be available on each nursing unit. 3) Fridges used to store medications will not be used to store food items.

4) All medications previously dispensed by Pharmacy Services will be returned to pharmacy when the medication is discontinued and when the patient is discharged. 5) IV medications infusing at shift change either continuously or intermittently must be verified by the oncoming shift nurse. 6) All intravenous containers and syringes will remain in their original overwrap until ready to be prepared and/or administered. 7) Medications shall be administered by registered or licensed nurses, physicians, RRTs, and Nursing/Paramedic students as per specific educational institution guidelines.

8) All oral medications will remain in their original packaging until they reach the patient. This includes medications that require crushing or dissolving. 9) All oral suspensions will be prepared in, delivered and administered to patients in a labelled oral syringe. Oral medications will not be prepared in syringes usually used for injections. 10) Patients shall be observed when taking oral medications..

11) To prevent distractions from other persons or activities, registered or licensed nurses will refrain from other aspects of individualized patient care while administering medications to ensure appropriate safety checks are followed. 12) Hand hygiene will be performed before and after medication administration.

13) The registered or licensed nurse will take the medication cart/tray/medication and the medication administration record to the patient during medication administration using standard precautions taking care to avoid contamination of the cart or tray. 14) Documentation in MAR sheet. 15)Verify patient is not allergic to medication being administered.

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