Pregnant mothe

Despite the widespread campaign for contraceptives and birth control techniques, pre- marital pregnancies are still rampant. I just had a friend who falls on these kinds of relationship, an early marriage just because of having responsibilities for the baby. On his behalf, I can say that marrying for the baby is an impractical decision. Scoping the careers and other opportunities a single person could do, having a great responsibility like that implies a new set of work and effort to meet the needs of a pregnant mother and an infant in the future.

Deviating from the Christian principles, having sex with the other sex is just normal so long that you are practicing safety measures and at least you will not harm your partner’s health due to your hygiene and the same goes with your partner. Casual sex may be abnormal to our norms but this thing on my opinion depends on how we can stand our own sexuality and freedom. Ignoramus The spread of the HIV virus is now prevalent among sexual partners and even with teenagers who engage in pre – marital sex.

Many of these cases fall because of not knowing the consequences of such actions. I was amazed that people now really accept the fact that youth can freely engage in pre – marital sex. Moreover, I heard that most African people acquire aids due to the belief that virginity can cure AIDS. How awful! There are many African women who are abused because of this belief. Their lack of education brings them to a pit where they can’t have their ways back to their healthy beings.

What you see… “Simplicity is beauty”, as others say it; but will this really make a woman or even a man fulfilled and happy with the way they look. Well, on my part, being on a situation that I need to decide if I will follow a simple life or not in the future, I opt to understand and believe that it is not with our external or physical features that God finds it beautiful, it is what we have inside.

In reading the book with regards to the sexuality and religion of a woman, I have thought of just being someone who deserves a place in the land of the Lord, rather than being someone who can be a public property because of the aesthetic values we gain at present. Sometimes, what you see is not what you really get. Reference Sara Grant. 2003. Competing Devotions: Career and Family among Women Executives. Retrieved 16 November 2008 from http://hbswk. hbs. edu/archive/3839. html

Iron deficiency is one of the most prevalent single-nutrient deficiencies in the world (Beard, 2000). Decrease in total iron content in the body is known as iron deficiency and when this is severe enough to diminish erythropoiesis, it causes iron …

Child abuse is defined as maltreatment of the physical, psychological or sexual aspect of children. Aside from these major categories, child abuse could take other forms, like exposing children to drugs, shaking babies, and neglect. In the case of the …

The public health problem I select is HIV/AIDS WITHIN THE African American population. The HIV epidemic in United States in alarming, however it is becoming particularly alarming more so within the African American community. It is not long ago since …

Gender and sexual behaviour are the most common “arenas” for a battle between essentialists and social constructionists’ stance. Are the gender differences and sexuality biologically predetermined or they are socially constructed phenomena? The stand point taken by Essentialism implies that …

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