Precautions to avoid getting influenza

Perceivably, the most coherent method to shun flu is for to stay away from people with the virus. Adults with cold are naturally infectious for 5-7 days from start of fever. Children however, are infectious for 7-10 days even up to 4 weeks to victims with little ordinary protection system. However, since the possible cure is not completely promising, a flu vaccine is accessible which can help give resistance against flu. Further, it is stressed that vaccines has 70-90% value and vary since the Influenza virus transform per time. Flu injections are offered every year so victims may acquire protection against newer strains of the virus.

It is best to have the doctor check possible influenza strikes. Moreover, the ‘vaccine’ is specified for most persons particularly to those incorporated in the ‘high-risk’ category—with that, vaccination comes in handy to have. Consequently, it would have one to two weeks to build up defense “antibodies” which will supply defense adjacent to flu. Given the details on the dilemma caused by the plague, this contagious disease must always be paid much attention if observed to be evident—as they say, protection is better than cure (Kalte and Nemeh).

Works Cited

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The Department of Health in New York (2008, health. state. ny. us) defines a pandemic as a kind of epidemic that spreads swiftly all over the world with high rates of death and illnesses. A pandemic is different from influenza …

The state of nation’s emergency could be the most critical and urgent situation that needs decisive government actions and decisions. This kind of situation has tested the relevance of US government’s homeland security program that has just been in the …

Influenza is an acute respiratory tract infection that can result in a mild in-apparent infection or a severe incapacitating illness. Influenza viruses, the causative agents of influenza, are members of the Orthomyxoviridae; they are further hunched—type A, B, and C—a …

Influenza or flu is a highly contagious respiratory disease of mammals and avian species that usually occurs during the fall and winter months and is caused by an RNA virus belonging to the Orthomyxoviridae family (Earn, Dushoff and Levin, 2002). …

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