Poor scientific practice

Animal research has been popularly known and applied in experiments and investigations in universities, medical schools and in most laboratories. Researchers make use of more than fifty to one hundred million animals as research subjects. Over, the years, the use of animals as primary testing subjects for newly discovered diseases or treatments has helped a lot in the advancement of the medical aspect of the world.

Different diseases were observed and taken into considerations and treatments for them were discovered with the aid of using animals as test subjects. Also, these processes of using animals in research conducts have evolved the medical feature of the world into a form. Diseases that were once a threat to the existence of men and often causes of severe sufferings and losses were given medications and treatments. Questions about viruses and how illness can be prevented were answered by scientists with the support of animal testing.

Some people are opposed to the idea of the use of animals in the laboratory as research subjects and as testing bodies for newly discovered diseases and treatments. They argue that the use of these animals is unnecessary and that modern technologies such as computer models and programs can already serve as substitute to animals as test subjects. Furthermore, they oppose to the ideas of the use of animals in research y saying that the process of using animals is a poor scientific practice.

Also, people against the process declare that due to the difference in the species of the human beings and the animals that are used in the process. They generalized that it is due to this big difference in species that results taken from the animals that are used is different from the will-be results on the human beings. Furthermore, they articulate that animal research is a for of torture to the animals and that animals like humans have also the right not be exploited and that man has no right to use exploit the lives of animals just for the benefit of man himself.

On the other hand, the main reason why these experts are using animals in the laboratories is because of the fact that it is much better for them to study first the substances and drugs that are newly discovered on animals for it may produce side effects if applied directly to man without pre experimentation on animals. And by this process, scientists are only trying not to kill the patients that should be treated with these drugs and chemicals.

Due to the broad and incomparable complexity of the human body, it would be wiser for the scientists to test skills and chemicals on the next and the nearest replica of the organs and the systems of the human. Though, the body of animals is not as similar to the body of the human beings, by today, there are still no computer models and programs or other living or non -living things that can replace the animal kingdom as a reliable substitute to the human body. Also, most of the tests and experiments that were conducted to humans led to mass injury and even death to those who were made test subjects due to the lack of pre testing on animals.

And still up to this time, alternatives to animals as research subjects are unknown. Only changes in procedures and principles of the process were the only once that were implemented by scientists today so as to lessen the controversy of the process. Generally, the use of animals as test subjects in the laboratories may really cause severe injury and even death to animals however, this process has already proven a lot in the years that has passed. Remarkable progresses in history and in the world were achieved by the human race because of the process of animal testing.

Furthermore, it is not only researches that cause injury and death to animals. Other human activities such as hunting, agriculture and pest control kills much more animals than animal testing does. The only difference is that animals that are made to suffer and die in the laboratories does not only lessen the cases of suffering and death in humans but also protects the human race against diseases.

References ARVO. (2007). Statement for the use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Visual Research. Retrieved November 29, 2007, from

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