Plastic Surgery Research

Our main topic is about plastic surgery as we have previously discussed. http://www. about. com/health/review. htm http://plasticsurgery. about. com/od/historyofplasticsurgery/a/risks_rewards. htm Using CRCA (claim, reason, conclusion and assumption) I will be drafting the full and complete paragraph. If you wish to play a bigger role in our project and feel that we have not included you please just take a look at the following points, state your thoughts and we will do our best to adjust and make use of your ideas to complete the project to the best of our abilities.

According to the rubrics we have crafted these (seriously): Claim- Plastic surgery is good. (This claim fulfills the requirements as it is an opinion. We made sure it is not ambiguously phrased (which means it has only one meaning) and although it looks like nothing it is still acceptable. ) Reasons- 1. – Psychological – For many patients, successful plastic surgery can lead to an increase in self-esteem and confidence, which can have a snowball effect on many areas of one’s life.

Often, the correction of a “problem” perceived by the patient can mean a loss or reduction of self-consciousness or social anxiety which has been holding the patient back in life. For others, it may make them more outgoing because they feel less vulnerable to the cruelty of others. (Imagine a woman who as a young teen was mocked for her “buck-toothed” smile, and eventually stopped smiling until she finally was able to have her smile surgically corrected. ) Professional and Social more attractive people are generally perceived as more intelligent, more honest, more successful, and more capable.

These same studies have shown correlations between attractiveness and professional recognition, hiring decisions, promotions, and differences in salary levels. Some studies have even shown that attractive people receive better and quicker service in restaurants and in retail establishments. This suggests that surgery to improve one’s appearance may indeed be a boon to one’s career and/or social status, especially when a person moves or works in creative or youth-driven industry.

2. for 3.factors make for a livelier social more attractive people often have increased romantic opportunities, and a better selection of potential mates from which to choose. They also can tend to have an easier time making friends. These life all around. 4. Health and Quality of Life -. This can be a tremendous There are many health and quality of life benefits that may be ascribed to the benefits of plastic surgery. For the patient whose vision is improved dramatically by an eyelid lift which removes the hooded portion of the eyelid, the rewards are obvious.

For the patient who has 20 lbs of loose hanging skin removed from his or her body, it can mean feeling more comfortable with increased levels of physical activity, which in turn can positively affect both mental and physical health. For a patient who has lived with an obvious visible disfigurement, reconstructive surgery can make that person feel free again—able to face a world that is no longer staring, or worse—avoiding any eye contactlife-changing event ( We have directly copied this from this page) http://plasticsurgery. about. com/od/historyofplasticsurgery/a/risks_rewards. htm of course it will be reformatted but take a look.

Well I removed one awkward portion but the rest is good. We will be using CRAVEN to check if this is credible and if you have better reasons and evidence to back it up, PLEASE DO our little craven table will be at the last page of this word document. We did this TOGETHER and it took a lot of research and our poor killed brain cells to do so please be respectful ^^ don’t make the people who did so much, sad ) We Assume that: ~Plastic Surgery will not fail. Statistics show that almost 90% of plastic surgeries are successful for certified surgeons due to the advanced medical technology nowadays and improved knowledge of the human body.

Although the success rate is high, there is still the existing 10% risk of plastic surgeries going wrong or imposing health risks to the patient. ~Plastic surgery does not have other health risks The following are some listed health risks that some patients who undergo plastic surgery face: * infection * excessive or unexpected bleeding (hemorrhage or hematoma) * blood clots * tissue death * delayed healing * anesthesia risks (including shock, respiratory failure, drug or allergic reactions, cardiac arrest, coma, death) * pneumonia * loss or change of sensation * paralysis or less severe nerve damage.

~how attractive someone is, is based solely on their physical appearance ~All people judge others based on their appearance ~by removing one’s imperfections they will have increased self-esteem and confidence ~all people like attractive people and wish for them to be their partners ~plastic surgery can make you look better EVIDENCE: Evidence for reason 1: On the Job, Beauty Is More Than Skin-Deep (Evidence for reason 2) An article from The Wall Street Journal: http://online. wsj. com/article/SB10001424052970203687504576655331418204842. html#articleTabs%3Darticle Most people assume being good-looking gives you a career boost.

But just how much does it help? A lot. Good-looking people charm interviewers, get hired faster, are more likely to make more sales and get more raises. Mr. Hamermesh, author of “Beauty Pays,” at Tokyo’s Hitotsubashi University in 2010. Daniel Hamermesh, an economics professor at the University of Texas in Austin, measures out the benefits in his book, “Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful. ” According to his research, attractive people are likely to earn an average of 3% to 4% more than a person with below-average looks.

That adds up to $230,000 more over a lifetime for the typical good-looking person, Dr. Hamermesh estimates. Even an average-looking worker is likely to make $140,000 more over a lifetime than an ugly worker. We asked Dr. Hamermesh to discuss his findings. Edited excerpts follow: WSJ: You show that good looks are even more influential for men’s earnings than for women’s. Why do men’s good looks pay off more? Mr. Hamermesh: There are two reasons. First, not as many women work for pay as men. (The Bureau of Labor Statistics says just 59% of adult women hold paying jobs in the workforce, compared with 73% of men.)

If you are unattractive and you know you are going to be penalized for that, and if you have an option to stay out of the job market, you as a woman may choose not to bear that pain. Also, women in general are paid less than men; part of it is that they channel themselves into different occupations, and part of it is pure discrimination. WSJ: What about the argument that better-looking people tend to sell more products or attract more new customers? Mr. Hamermesh: Yes, [research] shows that happens. Better-looking workers bring in more for the employers, just as a more intelligent worker will.

Paying them more is still a form of discrimination, but their attractiveness also tends to raise their productivity. That’s what makes it so difficult. I would argue that this is discrimination. But others would argue that it’s simply an indulgence of people’s tastes and preferences. WSJ: If you are unattractive, what can you do to improve your odds of getting paid well? Mr. Hamermesh: Looks are only one of many things that affect how much we earn, including education, age, health, company size and so on. But to your question: First, don’t go into an occupation where looks matter a lot.

Don’t be a TV broadcaster; be a radio broadcaster. Don’t be a movie actor. Most important, go into fields that you enjoy, and that you have an advantage in doing. Accentuate your strengths, and try to avoid those things where you are relatively disadvantaged. WSJ: Are there examples of occupations where you don’t have to be beautiful? Mr. Hamermesh: You would think you could find examples of occupations where being unattractive wouldn’t hurt you at all. But in every one I have looked at, being better looking helps you.

For example, you wouldn’t think it would matter much if you are teaching in college. But based on my studies, better-looking [professors] are more appreciated by their students. The only counter-example I’ve seen is a study showing that if you [commit] armed robbery or theft, it pays to be uglier. The white-collar criminals are more successful if they are better-looking, but for crimes involving force, I’d rather be an ugly robber because I’d scare the guys and they’d give me their money faster. WSJ: Isn’t this unfair? Mr. Hamermesh: Yes. WSJ: Should something be done about it?

Mr. Hamermesh: It’s a complicated issue. On one hand, I don’t view this as very different from other forms of discrimination, whether it is based on race, gender or certainly disability; discrimination based on disability is analogous. Given that similarity, I find it very hard to oppose offering protections and trying to remove this kind of discrimination. On the other hand, we may not want the government to get involved, because if officials intervene on behalf of unattractive people, they will end up doing less for other groups which are regarded as more deserving.

WSJ: So what constitutes beauty? Mr. Hamermesh: There is no unique view about beauty – no unique standard. But most beholders view beauty similarly. Some people are consistently regarded as above-average or even beautiful, while others are generally regarded as plain or even downright homely. As shown in the above evidence, better looking people are regarded to have many good points and it would be human nature for people to want to find a better potential mate.

Conclusion: Plastic surgery is good but it is not necessarily the key to success as many factors vary. Beauty may provide a slight advantage but it is not the sole factor that people look out for in business, relationships and such. Article from NEWYOUMAG. com Roberta Archer| CRAVEN| EVALUATION| Corroboration| It is stated in the article that her former student, her former student’s mother and grandmother all achieved good results after doing plastic surgery and were thrilled with the results.

Our main topic is about plastic surgery as we have previously discussed. http://www. about. com/health/review. htm http://plasticsurgery. about. com/od/historyofplasticsurgery/a/risks_rewards. htm Using CRCA (claim, reason, conclusion and assumption) I will be drafting the full and complete paragraph. If you wish to …

Plastic surgery today is known as one of the most popular surgeries in our generation. Many people in our society, females in particular, want to look like their favorite celebrity or follow the “hip” trends to fit in. This wants …

What is plastic surgery? Plastic surgery is ‘the process of reconstructing or repairing parts of the body by the transfer of tissue, either in the treatment of injury or for cosmetic reasons’ (Oxford Dictionaries, 2010). Sushrutha from India, who is …

What is plastic surgery? Plastic surgery is ‘the process of reconstructing or repairing parts of the body by the transfer of tissue, either in the treatment of injury or for cosmetic reasons’ (Oxford Dictionaries, 2010). Sushrutha from India, who is …

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