This is a paper I had to do in one of my first college courses. This paper is about plastic surgery and the side effects that are not always mentioned to the patient before or at the time of surgery. Again, please remember that this was my first paper so it is not the best. I do hope however that it can be beneficial to someone in their search foe the same answers. Plastic surgery procedures have been being performed on people from all walks of life for many years now and most people come away with a rejuvenated self-esteem.
While not everyone has had a bad outcome, the side effects of plastic surgery can not only be devastating but it can even possibly take ones life. As with any surgical procedure there are risks involved and with plastic surgery becoming more popular in today’s world with such shows as The Swan, Extreme Makeover, and I want a Famous Face, there is no question as to why more people are jumping aboard the plastic surgery band wagon. This could prove potentially harmful if the patient does not take the time to decide if this truly what he or she wants.
The most common factor for a potential plastic surgery patient to take into consideration is ones own physical and mental health prior to any surgical procedure. These two key elements can be the deciding factor in the patient’s outcome. Someone who is in poor physical health is more likely to have a slower recovery time from a surgical procedure verses that of a patient who is in good health prior to surgery. It is never any physician’s intention to cause harm to a patient.
Surgery is surgery however no matter if it is cosmetic or health related and there will never be a time when a surgery is risk free or when a patient never experiences and adverse side effect. This is why it is so important for the patient to be open and honest with the surgeon when inquiring about a plastic surgery procedure. The risk from having surgery is not the only problems that can occur. There are other factors that come into play as to how the patient’s surgery experience and recovery may be affected.
One such example is a patient not telling the surgeon about ones medical history and what medications the patient may currently be taking, regardless if it is prescribed or medicinal. Most people know that prescribed medicines can affect the outcome of a surgical procedure by interfering with other medications that may be used during the surgery or during recovery. However, not too many people know that herbal medicines can cause potentially dangerous side effects during plastic surgery.
According to a study in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) almost 55 percent of plastic surgery patients, compared to the 24 percent in general public, take supplements. All of the 55 percent plastic surgery patients took at least two different types of herbal remedies and at least one daily.
The most popular supplements taken were Chondroitin (18 percent) and Ephedra (18 percent). www. Chondroitin is used to combat osteoarthritis however, if this supplement is taken by a plastic surgery patient it can lead to bleeding complications during surgery. Ephedra which has been known to promote weight loss and increase energy can cause lethal side effects in surgery patients such as heart attacks, heart arrhythmia, stroke and even death. www. medicalnewstoday. com The FDA has now since banned Ephedra for these reasons. So a patient should tell the surgeon of any medicines that one is taking prior to surgery.
There may be a discontinuation period that can last up to 24 hours to one month prior to having any procedure performed.
The physical health of a patient is very important indeed but it should not be the only concern of the patient and the surgeon. A patient who is ailing mentally is also at risk. Studies have shown that women who have had breast augmentations have a slightly higher risk (just over twice that in general population) of suicide. There is also a condition called Body Dysmorphic Disorder to be concerned about. BDD occurs in up to one percent of the general population, but appears to be more prevalent in patients who are seeking plastic surgery.
BDD is a mental disorder that affects both genders. This disorder is characterized by the individuals intense preoccupation that there is a defect in ones own personal appearance. This can surely become an ongoing problem for such patients, not only because of the mental health issue but this could lead to the patient wanting to have more procedures performed or the same one done multiple times and this to can create risks of its own. (Randy A. and Lori A. Sansone, MD December 2007) Multiple plastic surgery procedures can leave a patient with some very discouraging side effects.
The most common side effect in multiple procedure patients who have had rhytidectomy (facelift) is nerve damage, tingling, and facial muscle weakness. The reason for this is because every time the procedure is performed the nerve endings are severed. These side effects are usually temporary but can become permanent. This is particularly true in patients who smoke. Scarring, swelling, and bruising are also evident after plastic surgery procedures and most patients are surprised by this. These side effects tend to fade typically after the body begins to heal.
However, scarring can become a problem in instances such as having the same procedure performed multiple times. The risks of haematomas are also more prevalent in multiple procedure patients. This is a condition in which the patient will experience bleeding under the skin. This usually occurs within 24 hours of the surgery. This is a serious condition that may require further operations to stop the bleeding or to remove the blood clots. Infection is another side effect that usually strikes post operative patients. Most infections are minor and can be cleared up with antibiotics.
However, some are not so easy to treat according to a retrospective study done by the Department of Plastic Surgery, Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital in New York. These instances are rare but can lead to patients being hospitalized again for care of these infections. There have also been cases of paralysis reported though this is rare as well it is surprisingly a higher risk factor in a non-evasive procedure that is as popular as the facelift if not more so. www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov A non-evasive procedure is a plastic surgery procedure that does not require anesthesia to put a patient fully under.
At times however a local anesthetic will be administered as a comfort for the patient but is not required. One such procedure is Botox. Botox is a highly popular non-evasive procedure that can lead to permanent paralysis if not done in moderation and by a board certified physician. Botox is the same toxin that causes food poisoning. However, when Botox is used in a medical setting as an injectable form of sterile purified Botox small doses will block the release of a chemical produced by the patient’s nerves called acetylcholine. The injected toxin will then selectively interfere with the facial muscles ability to contract.
This procedure can become potentially hazardous as well as lethal if it is abused in any way. The FDA can not regulate how Botox is used therefore patient awareness is key to avoiding any potential health risk related to improper use or dosage. The FDA recommends that Botox be injected no more than once every three months and at the lowest recommended dose. www. fda. gov This is not the case however according to reports from the ASPS. Since Botox has become so popular people are dispensing it in salons, gyms, hotel rooms, and other retail venues. These are such instances that run the risk of danger for the potential patient.
Botox is a prescription drug that should only be administered by a qualified physician in an appropriate medical setting. This is why patient awareness is so important before having any plastic surgery procedure performed regardless of the nature of the procedure. Complications are a known risk for any surgical procedure. The ASPS would like to remind consumers that since the high profile patient deaths in office-based plastic surgery facilities have lead state regulatory agencies and medical boards to develop policies regarding the procedures done at these facilities.
It is not the intention of the ASPS to frighten the public even though the side effects from plastic surgery are rare. The decision to have a procedure performed is very serious. A no-risk surgery does not exist. This why the ASPS recommends that a patient should do some research before deciding on having a procedure done. www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov A patient should research the benefits and risks of said procedure before committing to it. A patient should also have a realistic outlook about the after effects of the surgery.
A patient’s most important duty is to make sure the Surgeon they choose is board certified by the ASPS and to be honest about ones medical history. If the patient still has fears or concerns then these too should be discussed with the Surgeon prior to surgery. It is the Surgeon’s duty to put the patient at ease. The purpose of having plastic surgery procedures varies from patient to patient but, the risks and outcome can be the same regardless. This is why it is important for the patient to be sure of the decision to have plastic surgery.
If the patient is fully aware of what the procedure entails and is in the care of a Board Certified Surgeon then the chances are that the outcome will be one of joy not only for the patient but for the Plastic Surgeon as well. References: 1. Cosmetic Surgery and Psychological Issues, Randy A. and Lori A. Sansone, MD, December 2007 pp3 2. Face lift Side Effects and Risks, www. plastic-surgery. net 2004 3. FDA article on Botox injections, www. fda. gov 2002 4. Herbal Supplements Could Cause Dangerous Side Effects during Plastic Surgery, www. medicalnewstoday. com 2007 5. Medline articles archives www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov 2000-2005.