Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery has been a growing fascination for many people over the last couple of decades. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic surgery statistics have shown that from 1997 to 2002 there has been a 22. 8 percent increase in the number of cosmetic procedures performed. Messages within the media indirectly contribute to this rising rate. However, the question that everyone needs an answer is, “Is cosmetic surgery helpful or damaging to an individual’s mind and body? ” As far as I am aware of, Plastic surgery has more benefits than risks; it is helpful to an individual’s mind and body.

I agree with the statement to a large extent. The benefits of plastic surgery consist of, the increase in an individual’s self-esteem, better health and quality of life and lastly, people who undergo plastic surgery are easily accepted in society. Plastic surgery is a medical procedure that comes in two forms, cosmetic and reconstructive. Cosmetic surgery is focused on enhancing certain body features or changing a certain part to make it conform to the looks that we want to have.

Reconstructive surgery is performed to restore something in the body that has been damaged. (Benefit 1): For many patients, successful cosmetic surgery can lead to an increase in self-esteem and confidence. As we make the changes to achieve a certain look that we desire, we become more confident with ourselves and become more comfortable in our interaction with others. These may help an individual to live a happier life as the woes and worries about not being accepted in society will be eliminated.

For instance, a woman who as a young teen was mocked for her “buck-toothed” smile, and eventually stopped smiling until she finally was able to have her smile surgically corrected. (Benefit 2): An individual’s health and quality of life will also be improved with the help of reconstructive surgery. It can reconstruct physical defects and injuries due to accidents, genetics, and diseases. Reconstructive surgery as a whole is on the rise in recent years, which is in a large part due to new technologies that allow problems that were previously untreatable to be corrected.

Plastic surgery is continually giving people hope and improving the quality of people’s lives. (Benefit 3): Following that, plastic surgery helps an individual to be easily accepted in society. It has been shown in countless studies that more attractive people are generally perceived as more intelligent, more honest, more successful, and more capable. Attractive people tend to receive better treatment and services in restaurant and in retail establishment. Thus, this suggests that surgery to improve an individual’s appearance will benefit one’s career or social status.

Introduction: Good afternoon to my tutor and all my fellow friends. I felt pleasure because I have this opportunity to stand here and give a speech. My topic for today is plastic surgery. So, what is plastic surgery? Plastic surgery …

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Plastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function. While famous for aesthetic surgery, plastic surgery also includes a variety of fields such as craniofacial surgery, hand surgery, burn surgery, microsurgery, and reconstructive …

Plastic Surgery Society Often viewed as controversial; plastic surgery has the capability to change lives of various individuals from diverse socioeconomic levels. Plastic surgery covers a broad spectrum of services which are included in reconstructive surgery, as well as, the …

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