Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is a career entitled to very selective people. It requires the maximum amount of discipline and determination. To fully understand if this is a career worth potentially perusing, you must take under consideration what the job exactly entails and what you must achieve to become a plastic surgeon. Keep in mind that even exceeding the required credentials is usually satisfactory. Plastic Surgery is a medical specialty that has many aspects. It deals with the correction or restoration of form and function. This includes the transfer of tissue, either in the treatment of injury or for cosmetic reasons.

Plastic surgery also resections and repairs damaged tissues, improves appearance, and corrects malformed organs or tissues in the body. Written evidence cites medical correction treatment for facial injuries took place more than 4,000 years ago. Physicians in ancient India were utilizing skin grafts for reconstructive work as early as 800 B. C. The education required to become a plastic surgeon is long and extensive. Students must complete many levels of training and education, beginning with getting a bachelor’s degree in a pre-medical major, such as biology or chemistry.

Then, medical the must enter medical school. After completing a bachelor’s degree program, future plastic surgeons must earn a Doctor of Medicine (M. D. ) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D. O. ) from medical school. A doctor of medicine program includes four years of education and training. After medical school, plastic surgeons complete 5-6 years of residency training. During this, they split their years between general surgery and plastic surgery. Usually, the first three years of surgery training is in general surgery and the final 2-3 years are in plastic surgery.

After residency, students must take and pass one or more tests, in order to legally work as a surgeon. Some of the most accredited medical schools for internal medicine are Johns Hopkins, Harvard, and Duke University. The future outlook for plastic surgeons is on a constant uprising. Because of the lengthy and intimidating requirements to pursue a medical career, the job market is always looking for those driven individuals. Plastic surgery is a cutting edge specialty that will cater to a wide spread audience with many demands. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that in 2004 more than 8.

7 million Americans spent $9. 4 billion on elective cosmetic procedures that required cash up front. The trend is expected to continue, helping plastic surgeons to rake in an average of at least $320,000 a year. Therefore, Plastic Surgery is a career that will most definitely not suit everyone. However, if this is a contemplate able career, you must anticipate the extense and drive of the educational requirements, what the job entails and the potential of securing a positions of practice. This is a career that needs to be though long and hard about whether you can dedicate your life to.

In 600 B. C, a Hindu surgeon was able to reconstruct a nose using a piece of cheek. 1400 years later, rhnoplasty became a common cosmetic procedure. Because of the development in technologies, and techniques, by the 19th century, anestheisa …

Nowadays, cosmetic surgery is becoming a fashion industry in the world. Many Asian countries’ women are crazy about this type of beauty. Plastic surgery is not just about becoming prettier, it is also about confidence building. In some countries, plastic …

In 600 B. C, a Hindu surgeon was able to reconstruct a nose using a piece of cheek. 1400 years later, rhnoplasty became a common cosmetic procedure. Because of the development in technologies, and techniques, by the 19th century, anestheisa …

In 600 B. C, a Hindu surgeon was able to reconstruct a nose using a piece of cheek. 1400 years later, rhnoplasty became a common cosmetic procedure. Because of the development in technologies, and techniques, by the 19th century, anestheisa …

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