Physician – Surgery

The life of a cardiothoracic surgeon is very appealing tome. I want to become a cardio surgeon because its challenging, interesting, and fulfilling work, that includes, emerging therapies, new technology in medicine, team approaches, problem solving, and above all, saving lives. I have always wanted to be a doctor; although, I didn’t chose cardio as a specialty until my sophomore year of high school when I relocated to Pennsylvania. My inspiration came from the strength and the courage of the medical staff that saved the life of my mother and I, while she was in the ICU in Carson City, NV.

She was hospitalized for three months while pregnant, also under constant paralyzation in her delicate state. I feel that the dedication of the doctors helped insure our survival, and I believe that I was saved for a purpose. I would like to think that may be to show people the same courage and dedication that I was shown. I would like the opportunity to give someone a second chance like I was given. Cardiothoracic surgeons are physicians who have trained specifically to operate on patients in need of a variety of acute surgical procedures, such as work on the heart and great vessels of the chest cavity esophagus, and lungs.

They often work with patients with birth defects, heart disease, lung cancer, and other conditions. They assess the patient’s condition, conduct diagnostic tests, consult patients and other medical personnel, and perform the necessary procedure to provide the best treatment possible. “Frequently, surgery is needed to treat complications of ischemic heart disease, valvular heart disease, and atherosclerosis. ” (Wiki) This means that if a vessel breaks, a heart attack occurs, or any other massive heart trauma arises they would visit the cardio surgeon. Cardio surgeons are well known for their long work hours, large cases, and complex surgeries.

Typically surgeons work four and a half to five days a week on a regular basis, plus any time being on-call for emergencies or urgent situations. Like most physician jobs, being a surgeon is more than a forty-hour per week job. Most surgeons work 50-60 hours weekly, including on-call time, administrative duties, and other responsibilities. The average amount of work load is about 300-400 surgeries a year. (healthcareers) The need for cardiothoracic surgeons is at an increase, with more than “50% of the current 3500 cardio surgeons expected to retire within the next decade.

” (sts) with such a high demand around the time of my graduation, it should be fairly easy to find a job right out of school; although becoming a surgeon takes hard work and dedication. Schooling required takes ten to twelve years; this contains: college, med school, residency training in general surgery, followed by an additional training in cardio surgery. Even though the schooling is extensive it’s worth it, when benefits include: malpractice insurance, employee benefits, 401(k), health insurance, paid vacation, and paid sick leave.

Cardiothoracic surgeons make an average of $408,000 a year, with a starting income of above $200,000, “The top 10% earn annual salaries of more than $700,760. ” (degreefinder) Work environments are well lite and sterile, most times are spent in the operating room or in an office. As a surgeon you are the instructor in the operating room, you will be required to perform highly stressful tasks in a life or death situation because “patient survival is based on decision making and tech skills. ” (ehow) ) Terri Chapman, from San Juan regional hospital says, “The most terrifying moment was my first day in residency training.

You don’t realize how different it is to actually preform the things you have read about, completely different than what is expected. ” This means that you literally hold someones life in your hands. If one decides that cardio is no longer a career choice they may be able to switch their profession to a different occupation like, burns, oral, neuro, PEDS, plastics, or even trauma. One may also find opportunities for advancement by becoming an administrator, open a solo practice, or teach medical school.

I want to become a cardio surgeon because its challenging, interesting, and fulfilling work, that includes, emerging therapies, new technology in medicine, team approaches, problem solving, and above all, saving lives. I really think that the medical field is right for me because I have a dominate and determined personality; I use drive and ambition to get where I want to be in life. I hope that in this career I may be able to find my pursuit of happiness and insure the quality of life for myself, as well as others. I have always wanted to be a doctor and I plan on going as far as I can in all aspects of life.

Cardiothoracic Surgery is one of the most interesting and rewarding careers in the medical field. It was stated in Saving the Heart by Stephen Klaidman, “In the 1950s surgeons found ways to do quick repairs of congenital heart defects and …

Cardiothoracic Surgery is one of the most interesting and rewarding careers in the medical field. It was stated in Saving the Heart by Stephen Klaidman, “In the 1950s surgeons found ways to do quick repairs of congenital heart defects and …

Cardiac surgeons treat valvular heart diseases such as valve stenosis or vessel insufficiency, ischemic heart disease, coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis and congenital defects. They treat these diseases by repairing or replacing heart valves, widen clogged arteries, repair aortic aneurysms, implant …

Plastic surgery is a career entitled to very selective people. It requires the maximum amount of discipline and determination. To fully understand if this is a career worth potentially perusing, you must take under consideration what the job exactly entails …

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