Physical health

However, the different approach of the study is that it models such previously or into a general framework for understanding such a relational effects. in the conclusion, although the authors have also specified and identified that further research must be done in the subject in order to have a valid conclusion on the direct connections with optimism to physical health, but we weren’t that they had performed in their research had indicated a significant connection between these two variables considering the large sample size and the fairly consistent sample measures that they had taken (Gallo & Matthews, 2003).

By this, the authors mean that there is indeed a significant contributing effects from the realm of optimism to physical well-being and health of an individual. Another research published in 2000, connections between optimism and psychological well-being had also been connected by researchers that discuss not only recent studies but also their respective owner experiments as well (Peterson, 2000).

like previous literature regarding psychology and optimism, the researchers had identified that psychological characteristics like positive mood, optimism, perseverance, the recognition of achievement, and many other psychological positive traits that we have come to identify significantly affect psychological well-being not only at a surface level but also in the way human beings perceive future goals, significantly contributing to the decreases of depression and other stress and pessimism related psychological effects.


Gallo, L. C. , & Matthews, K. A. (2003). Understanding the association between socioeconomic status and physical health: do negative emotions play a role? Psychological Bulletin, 129(1), 10-51. Peterson, C. (2000). The future of optimism. American Psychologist, 55(1), 44-55.

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