Physical Fitness and Wellness

Bacteria, like viruses, are linked with serious illnesses and diseases. The bad “image” of bacteria has been built up psychologically within our minds due to the countless information we read and have experiences about the bad contributions of bacteria. However, recent studies have revealed significant information that would change how we see bacteria. Apparently, there are good and bad bacteria. Nowadays, companies who provide healthy and nutritious foods have discovered a way to put good bacteria in our meals. These good bacteria, they call Probiotics.

Probiotics are said to be the main components of yogurt and buttermilk. Probiotics have been proven to promote health and well-being by allowing Probiotics consumers to move bowels regularly. (Gupta, 2008) I chose to talk about this article because of its interesting content, as well as its eye-catching title, “Eat Your Germs. ” I am not surprised by this because I have learned about this somewhere, I am not sure how, but I am sure I have heard of this before. Since the course is Physical Fitness and Wellness, the article is a very good addition to the extensive information that can be learned from the course.

Healthy foods, good exercises, how to have a healthy lifestyle, alternatives for staying fit and healthy, are all the interesting information that are taught in this particular course. The fact about good and bacteria is a great contribution to the course, such that it incorporates a bit of scientifically proven facts into it. For instance, I have learned that yogurt is a good food that is seemingly fit to be part of a healthy diet. This article provides an explanation why this is so. Perhaps, this is the most interesting part in this activity.

People do need explanations sometimes, and not just the facts that are supposed to be followed or done. Providing an explanation, that is, not too mention, interesting, sort of adds icing to the cake. Interesting facts learned that are related to previous knowledge makes people remember what they have actually learned.


Gupta, S. (2008). “Eat Your Germs. ” Health and Fitness. Retrieved April 19, 2008, from Time, Inc. Website: http://www. time. com/time/specials/2007/article/0,28804,1703763_1703764,00. html

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