Physical Education: Synoptics

David Beckham has been playing football since a very early age. He now plays for Manchester United at an elite level and captains England. He trains and competes very regularly.


Several aspects of football have progressed vastly in the last decade. Many of which are relevant to the increasing position of aggression in football today. This means that aggression is very much a part of David’s sport, and an aspect that he must understand. Governing bodies and referees are now much more open and understanding about aggression in football as they have realised the increasing influence that it has in the game. The rules reflect this, as retaliation (an aggressive act) is now an automatic ‘sending off’ offence. This also applies to raising of the hands and any intent to harm.

Rivalry between teams is also an issue. When playing a local rival obtaining points is not the players’ only motive for success. The two teams aim to win as simply defeating the opposition matters more than obtaining points. However this may lead to aggressive behaviour as the player feels that the stakes are higher (pride). It is also possible and supported through theory that in games in which he feels he is under-achieving he finds himself being cautioned. This may be due to the theory that states the athletes’ ability is inadequate compared to the task they are given. This then causes them to act in an aggressive rather than assertive manner. Look at the weather conditions if you need to either bring the session indoors or outdoors.

Depends if it is hot or cold outside. K15: Sources of information to plan the sessions including: previous knowledge of players; facilities and resources; information from and organisations. The knowledge of the players including ether they have special needs such as asthma, hearing or visually impaired. The facilities that are available. The resources that are available such as all the equipment for the session, the area that is available ether a sports hall field or football pitch.

Information could be application forms or previous coaches they have trained with. Get the information from the Parents Teachers Whether the session will be indoors or outdoors. Looking at the environment. See what the players are capable of doing, their fitness and ability levels. See what ability the players have as to withed to make part of the session harder so they progress.

Other schemes that the grass root of FA provide is funding for leagues outside the national league systems. These are the leagues that the majority of all children play in and are the foundation for young talent A big Charity which …

To examine the support and provision for football in England, I will be researching how the sporting structure in the country helps performers from first-level elite stage through to area, county, regional and national selection. The diagram below shows the …

For my As level physical education Personal Performance Portfolio I have been asked to design a six-week training program for a sport of my choice from the syllabus. I am going to study football, as this is the sport I …

The FA started in 2001 the FA Charter Standard. The programme, supported by England Team sponsor Nationwide, was launched in February 2001, with the aim of setting standards of coaching, administration and child protection for clubs working with young people. …

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