Physical Education

In the warm up ask the children to move using only their feet. Ask them to come up with different ways that they could do this. For example running, walking, skipping, hopping etc. Then ask them to move using both their hands and their feet – see how many different ways they can come up with. Encourage them to keep moving, move into space and to change direction. (8 minutes) Ask the children to come up with three or four ways of travelling using a combination of hands and feet remembering to think about direction.

Using mats they should practice these three or four travelling movements. They should also think of a starting and finishing position. (15 minutes) Supervise the children putting out their designated apparatus. In groups of 6 ask the children to practice their sequence on the particular apparatus. Every 3 minutes they should move on to the next piece of apparatus until they have been on every set. (15 minutes) Ask half the class to perform their individual sequence on the apparatus and ask the other half to observe.

After these children have performed their sequence ask the other half to comment on what they liked about individual performances. Swap over when you believe that all the good points have been mentioned. (10 minutes) Once the apparatus has been put away ask the children to shake their body all over then stretch in all the different directions that they can think of. Ask them to lie on the floor and relax. When you tap them on the head they are to line up at the door. (2 minutes)

Organisation and Teaching Points The teacher will lead the classroom discussion and tell the children what he/she wants them to do. They will work individually in the warm up and mat activity. They will have ‘PE groups’ and work in these when on the apparatus. They teacher will lead the discussion and ask for participation from the children in the review of the sequences. Make sure that the children are concentrating on a starting position, 3 or 4 sequences (depending on ability) and a finishing position.

Take note of how well the children are using the space or apparatus and suggest ways that they could use it more affectively. Encourage the children to speak up during the evaluation section and try and get a positive comment for every child. Differentiation/Extension Some children may not be able to remember 3 different movements so they may need prompting. Perhaps give the less abled children 1 or 2 travelling movements to do as well as a starting and finishing position. For those children that are more able they could be asked to do more travelling movements (5 or 6).

They could also be asked to do their sequence quickly perhaps repeating it. Cross Curricular Issues Maths and geography – asking the children to understand where they are going and how far. Also understanding the concept of spatial awareness. Assessment Opportunities By looking at the individual sequences you can see their knowledge of travelling in different directions and using hands and feet. By the children’s evaluation you will also be able to tell if they have recognised their class mates doing hat was asked of them.

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