Physical education

This shows sport has proved a successful developed process. For along time Physical education has been apart of education. Sport is valuable to our history because of life’s experiences and achievements it also makes you healthy. Today sport takes place in schools, colleges and universities. From 1902 the government introduced a new system of practical training which was apart of elementary schools such as the lower-class or private schools. Even though private schools were fortunate to participate, teachers will still reluctant to encourage the system.

Sport was compulsory for military purposes, used in preparation for the army/navy so the kind of lessons would be much disciplined, and they would force to take part in drill activities. But eventually ‘young soldiers’ progressed well into the 1920’s-1904 it gradually became more educated, the board of education took control of the National syllabus, since this accrued military purposes decreased and physical education increased into a compulsory lesson open to public and private schools today.

Today sport is encouraged for all abilities .Physical education is optional outside schools so more opportunities for young talents are out there. Dragon sport is an example of a determined project that motivates young people to increase their participation inside and outside school’s. Funding was very limited in the nineteenth and twentieth century. Sport wasn’t always easy to run because of lack of recourses and funding. Clubs use to beg or borrow money based of loans ECT… Today these are run by national governing bodies and various development officers who are linked with funding.

Today the National governing bodies draw their income from a variety of sources. Affiliation fees from clubs, associations and individual members. Their are sports council grants that support a number of bodies and development grants for special events from the Foundation for Sport and the Arts, the National Lottery and many more. There is a vast different in the development in funding. Sport has the help from the media on top which helps promote and make more money.

Today sport is targeted for all areas of life such as disabled, low-income, different ability’s, ethnic minority and many more. There are projects that fund for these specific areas and you don’t just fund for the best people in sport they fund for everyone from all walks of life. There is an immense different in media in sport today. We see and hear sports everywhere. The media have produced an affect on our experience. There was no TV’s in the past so people had to rely on money from spectatorship; promotion for sport was published in newspapers and radios. Today media=funding they both support each other. There are adverts for sport everywhere around the world.

“The BBC alone devotes at least 20 hours each week, and most national newspapers donate 10-20% of their space to reporting sport.” Now sport is commercialised through newspapers, magazines, mobile phones, and internet. T.V, radio, even adverts on streets and busses I could go on. Sport has become a major interest in our society and role models are used as commodities to sell fashion and because they appear on TV sport has become today’s fashion e.g. .David Beckham, Anna Kournikova.This wouldn’t of been the case in the 1900’s because it wasn’t as funded and developed and this is why sport has increased so popular. Media even publicise special events for disabled such as the Paralympics.

Sponsorship today helps promote sport and fund talent. If you are an elite athlete and are likely to appear on TV your chances of sponsorship is much higher. If anyone label is shown on T.V and they know the world is watching you, and then it will promote their name and bring them money as well as supporting the athlete to success.Soncership is commercial organisation giving financial help and in the past this wouldn’t of happened because their was no media so it goes to show how much of a success they both have on each other.

In the past, there wasn’t much of a media for sport. In 1900, only 9% of newsprint was given to sport. This is probably because the objectives in sport were ‘to increase the fitness for military service through acquaintance with …

These figures concisely show that at the highest level, although there has been a significant increase in the number of women representing Great Britain at the Olympics over a 16-year period, the number of women coaches has remained very low. If …

To examine the support and provision for football in England, I will be researching how the sporting structure in the country helps performers from first-level elite stage through to area, county, regional and national selection. The diagram below shows the …

Lots of schools have perhaps provided nutrition education to students in courses such as those linked to physical education classes. But other approaches can be more likely to consequence in changes in health behaviors. For instance, a document entitled Guidelines …

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