Physical and Psychological changes due to ageing process

Atherosclerosis occurs when fats lays down in the wall of blood vessels and develop a narrowing of the arteries in older people. It can affect older people with high blood pressure, giving them stroke and heart attack. When the fats lays in the blood vessels, it increases the size and cause a blockage in the artery which can make a person get low breathing and chest pain. Respiratory System Bronchitis may develop and involves in inflammation of the airways that connect the wind pipe to the lungs because once people get older their strength of their chest muscle reduced.

Emphysema Smoking in an example that can cause shortness of breath and result in respiratory or heart failure by causes the lungs to produce chemical that damage the walls of the alveoli. This disease is call Emphysema. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Is when a person does not get enough oxygen to breath and has to increase their rate of breathing in order to cope and it makes the person look bloated or appear bullish. Nervous System Nerve cells communicate with muscle to function properly.

In older age neurotransmitters which are released by the nerve cell get weaker to communicate with muscle and functions less effectively. Loss of vision Cataracts and glaucoma can affect eyesight in older people for the age of 60 upwards. When we get old our lenses changes and become hard and cloudy and it gets stop by cataracts from changing shape or transmit light. Loss of hearing Older people find it very hard to hear because of the nerve cell in the inner ear may decrease and from the wax in the outer ear that prevent them to hear.

Cognitive Changes Older people have short memory while they get old, their nerve cells in the brain decreases and reduce the person nerve signal. Having a loss nerve cells in the brain can affect older people by taking longer to respond and slower their strength to do things Musculos Skeletal Older people can easily get arthritis as age can shrinkage the skeletal muscle which damage the joints within the body as the cartilage that help to move our bones become thinner and elastic.

Having arthritis can bring pain and stiffness to body movements. The role of sex hormones Osteoporosis is a major problem to bones when they get weaker and thinner and fractured easily. Women often experience a decrease in their hormones estrogen and are more at risk to get Osteoporosis because of their bone strength which is influenced by sex hormones. Skin As we get older, our skin appearances changes and wrinkles take place. This is because we loose those fats that is behind our skin Dementia

Is a loss of brain function. It is not a single disease. Instead, dementia refers to a group of illnesses that involve memory, behavior, learning, and communicating problems. The problems are progressive, which means they slowly get worse. Motor Neuron Disease Most people develop this disease over the age of 40. it is a group disorders in which motor nerve cells (neurons) in the spinal cord and brain stem deteriorate and die. It first affects the arms or legs then shoulders and other muscles may be affected.

Weakness and wasting in the muscle of the face and touch, taste, sight, smell or hearing. Psychological changes Older people begin to believe the stereotype that they are losing or they will lose. This can lead them to self-esteem and withdraw from others. Older people tends to avoid learning things that are not meaningful to them and tend to process information at a slower pace as it takes longer to figure out what is going on and what to do about it.

Ageing is a natural and unavoidable life process that affects the entire body and lifestyle of the individual who is growing older. The detrimental effects of ageing typically include the loss of muscle mass, changes in the skin, a deterioration …

In the first part of my assignment I am going to describe the physical and psychological changes due to the ageing process. Firstly, I am going to start by describing the physical changes associated with ageing. The first two stages …

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Entire disciplines of medicine and urology have dedicated resources and research towards the discovery of connections between the emotional states of human beings to their health. In fact, looking at the available academic references, there is a rich literature available …

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