The principals I will build my nursing practice on follow my faith and life experiences. I am a Christian and it has played an enormous role in becoming a nurse and I have found it has strengthened my faith to be in school. When I started taking my anatomy classes I was afraid I might question my faith as I learned to think scientifically, but that never happened. The more I learned to admire the awesome human body, the more my faith grew. I felt the same way when I took ethics, but again my faith was renewed.
I believe the struggles of life will enhance our character and make us better people so that we are able to help others in similar circumstances. I also know that struggles also force us to see what is important in life. The experiences I’ve had recently have led me to my goal of hospice care in nursing. My father died last year and I spent months in nursing homes and eventually spent time with hospice nurses. After this experience, I felt a desire to be in this position to help others at this same type of moment in their life.
I could see that death is not the awful thing that we think it is. Our bodies are only what we use here on earth. If a body is suffering in pain then dying is the release. It’s a hard concept to grasp, but I’m hoping it will be helpful for a grieving family member. I believe in a place of eternal glory. In this place there will be no pain or sickness and it a place where souls will share and love.
I hope that this belief can be a light of hopefulness to those who are facing the pain of losing someone. re positively related to recovery and less discomfort after surgery and special tests. ”(Wilson-Barnet 1984) I love to read. I love history. I love nursing. I am interested in the life and work that Florence Nightingale put into the nursing field. She is the story of a caring professional who became a Samaritan even though initially there was no support for her choices. I admire her perseverance as well as her humble serving nature. One of the things I found interesting about her was that she was an advocate for clean environments for patients.
I read about her theory that fouls smells brought about diseases. Even though this wasn’t proved to be accurate it still proved her to be an advocate for patient cleanliness. It proved an advocate for fresh air, warmth, and cleanliness as important factors in patient healing. (Selanders 2005 ) I also admire her ability to balance medicine and faith. I think it is said best when she speaks of the symmetry between modern medicine and the nature of things. “It is often thought that medicine is the curative process.
It is no such thing; medicine is the surgery of functions, as surgery proper is that of limbs and organs. Neither can do anything but remove obstructions; neither can cure; nature alone cures. Surgery removes the bullet out of the limb, which is an obstruction to cure, but nature heals the wound. So it is with medicine; the function of an organ becomes obstructed; medicine so far as we know, assists nature to remove the obstruction, but does nothing more. And what nursing has to do in either case, is to put the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon him. ”(Nightingale 1969) .